Sycamore IL Depression Counseling Services

Sycamore, IL Counseling for Depression at Braden Counseling Center

Life can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, not every day promises happiness. When you begin to feel that just getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest chore you will face, there is something wrong. Do not struggle alone. The local counselors for depression at the Braden Counseling Center in Sycamore, IL can help you now.

We are here to tell you, there is a better way. We offer solutions to your most difficult situations, whether you want to see us individually, as a couple, or as a family. Our goal is to teach you new skills to replace the old, to help deal with the destructive behaviors that have been clouding your daily life.

How Will Depression Affect You?

Everyone feels sad or blue sometimes. It is a normal emotion in reaction to situations all around us. However, when feelings of sadness and hopelessness linger, disrupting daily life, it is time to seek help. Depression can cause people to lose interest in everyday things, including interests that have previously made you happy but no longer occupy a special place in your heart.

Be wary of advice that it is just a passing phase or that it will get better on its own. While this is sometimes the case, other times getting help is necessary. At the very least, it can ease the process of recovery, or confirm that you are essentially okay. With one small phone call to our counselors for depression at our Sycamore office, you will be on your way to finding out what is wrong and fixing it.

Let’s Chat

    Counseling ServicesEvaluations

    A Checklist of Common Symptoms of Depression

    1. Sad or empty mood– All day long, you feel sad or unwilling to face anything that comes along. Teenagers often exhibit this mood as anger and irritability.
    2. Loss of interest– People and activities that always interested you no longer do so.
    3. Weight change– You may have put on or lost a significant amount of weight without dieting. This is likely to be evident to your family and friends.
    4. Sleep issues– You might be sleeping too much or not sleeping well at all.
    5. Changes in appetite– You may no longer be enjoying food at all, or you might notice that you are gorging on unhealthy foods.
    6. Agitation and restlessness– You may even experience feelings that your body movements have slowed.
    7. Guilt– Significant guilt over past events is a common trigger for depression and a sign of its continuance.
    8. Lack of concentration– Concentrating can become very difficult when depressed. It may feel like you are experiencing what is known as “brain fog.” Making a decision can become a momentous task.
    9. Negative thoughts– When depressed, negative thoughts can crowd your mind, and you may have great difficulty “turning them off.” These thoughts could be about yourself or others.
    10. Feelings of worthlessness– Another common sign, low self-esteem can afflict depression sufferers day and night.
    11. Unexplained aches and pain
    12. Suicidal thoughts– If you believe that your life is not worth living anymore and have been thinking about death or suicide, contact your local crisis center immediately. Do not wait for our office to open.

    Depression is a very serious issue, one that can affect you and can last for years. Our counselors will help you understand what you are going through and that you are not alone. Note that depression is often expressed in different ways in children, teens, men and women.

    Children and teens, for example, often act out as grouchy, angry, and irritable. For men, depression may show up as anger, aggression, and substance or alcohol abuse. Because men tend to have difficulty expressing emotions, they typically manifest depression in their actions.

    Because depression can last for months or years, it has the potential to become a very destructive force. The counseling for depression and anxiety services we have at our Sycamore, IL location will help you to identify factors that might have led to these feelings.

    Once we have accurately diagnosed your depression, counselors will work with you towards a solution. They provide individual, family, or couples therapy to help you better understand the causes of, and solutions for, depression. Their goal is to rid you of destructive behaviors by replacing them with new skills that will empower you.

    Depression Counseling

    What Our Sycamore, IL Counselors for Depression Offer You

    • Flexible scheduling that includes evenings. Because not everyone is available during the day, we work with you to find the right times for you.
    • A free initial consultation. Come in and talk with one of our Sycamore, IL counselors for depression.
    • Counseling and medication services. Sometimes, counseling is all you need to turn your life around. At other times, additional help is needed, such as medications that can make all the difference.
    • Verification of your insurance benefits. You will know what to pay each and every time you visit us.
    • Cash and credit card payments make it easy to book your appointments.
    • Same-day DUI evaluations.

    When you seek professional help, be sure it is with someone that you trust. Counseling for depression is one of many disciplines we treat at our counseling center in Sycamore. We know how important good mental health is, and no one should have to suffer through another day of depression if they do not have to.

    You and your counselor will work together to determine which treatment methods will be best for you. Those with less severe symptoms often make great progress with a therapist through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) alone. This approach changes ineffective and destructive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.

    The most important thing is that you (or someone you know suffering from depression) gets better. For more information on depression and how our depression counseling can help, contact our Sycamore office right away, or one of the other locations we have at Braden Counseling Center. Our staff is trained to help you to recognize what is wrong, and we will work with you until every day is a brighter day.

    Rochelle IL Depression Counseling Services

    Rochelle, IL Counseling for Depression at Braden Counseling Center

    Life can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, not every day promises happiness. When you begin to feel that just getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest chore you will face, there is something wrong. Do not struggle alone. The local counselors for depression at the Braden Counseling Center in Rochelle, IL can help you now.

    We are here to tell you, there is a better way. We offer solutions to your most difficult situations, whether you want to see us individually, as a couple, or as a family. Our goal is to teach you new skills to replace the old, to help deal with the destructive behaviors that have been clouding your daily life.

    How Will Depression Affect You?

    Everyone feels sad or blue sometimes. It is a normal emotion in reaction to situations all around us. However, when feelings of sadness and hopelessness linger, disrupting daily life, it is time to seek help. Depression can cause people to lose interest in everyday things, including interests that have previously made you happy but no longer occupy a special place in your heart.

    Be wary of advice that it is just a passing phase or that it will get better on its own. While this is sometimes the case, other times getting help is necessary. At the very least, it can ease the process of recovery, or confirm that you are essentially okay. With one small phone call to our counselors for depression at our Rochelle office, you will be on your way to finding out what is wrong and fixing it.

    Let’s Chat

      Counseling ServicesEvaluations

      A Checklist of Common Symptoms of Depression

      1. Sad or empty mood– All day long, you feel sad or unwilling to face anything that comes along. Teenagers often exhibit this mood as anger and irritability.
      2. Loss of interest– People and activities that always interested you no longer do so.
      3. Weight change– You may have put on or lost a significant amount of weight without dieting. This is likely to be evident to your family and friends.
      4. Sleep issues– You might be sleeping too much or not sleeping well at all.
      5. Changes in appetite– You may no longer be enjoying food at all, or you might notice that you are gorging on unhealthy foods.
      6. Agitation and restlessness– You may even experience feelings that your body movements have slowed.
      7. Guilt– Significant guilt over past events is a common trigger for depression and a sign of its continuance.
      8. Lack of concentration– Concentrating can become very difficult when depressed. It may feel like you are experiencing what is known as “brain fog.” Making a decision can become a momentous task.
      9. Negative thoughts– When depressed, negative thoughts can crowd your mind, and you may have great difficulty “turning them off.” These thoughts could be about yourself or others.
      10. Feelings of worthlessness– Another common sign, low self-esteem can afflict depression sufferers day and night.
      11. Unexplained aches and pain
      12. Suicidal thoughts– If you believe that your life is not worth living anymore and have been thinking about death or suicide, contact your local crisis center immediately. Do not wait for our office to open.

      Depression is a very serious issue, one that can affect you and can last for years. Our counselors will help you understand what you are going through and that you are not alone. Note that depression is often expressed in different ways in children, teens, men and women.

      Children and teens, for example, often act out as grouchy, angry, and irritable. For men, depression may show up as anger, aggression, and substance or alcohol abuse. Because men tend to have difficulty expressing emotions, they typically manifest depression in their actions.

      Because depression can last for months or years, it has the potential to become a very destructive force. The counseling for depression and anxiety services we have at our Rochelle, IL location will help you to identify factors that might have led to these feelings.

      Once we have accurately diagnosed your depression, counselors will work with you towards a solution. They provide individual, family, or couples therapy to help you better understand the causes of, and solutions for, depression. Their goal is to rid you of destructive behaviors by replacing them with new skills that will empower you.

      Depression Counseling

      What Our Rochelle, IL Counselors for Depression Offer You

      • Flexible scheduling that includes evenings. Because not everyone is available during the day, we work with you to find the right times for you.
      • A free initial consultation. Come in and talk with one of our Rochelle, IL counselors for depression.
      • Counseling and medication services. Sometimes, counseling is all you need to turn your life around. At other times, additional help is needed, such as medications that can make all the difference.
      • Verification of your insurance benefits. You will know what to pay each and every time you visit us.
      • Cash and credit card payments make it easy to book your appointments.
      • Same-day DUI evaluations.

      When you seek professional help, be sure it is with someone that you trust. Counseling for depression is one of many disciplines we treat at our counseling center in Rochelle. We know how important good mental health is, and no one should have to suffer through another day of depression if they do not have to.

      You and your counselor will work together to determine which treatment methods will be best for you. Those with less severe symptoms often make great progress with a therapist through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) alone. This approach changes ineffective and destructive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.

      The most important thing is that you (or someone you know suffering from depression) gets better. For more information on depression and how our depression counseling can help, contact our Rochelle office right away, or one of the other locations we have at Braden Counseling Center. Our staff is trained to help you to recognize what is wrong, and we will work with you until every day is a brighter day.

      Geneva IL Depression Counseling Services

      Geneva, IL Counseling for Depression at Braden Counseling Center

      Understanding and treating depression is something that we take very seriously at Braden Counseling Center. Your health is important to us, and that includes your mental health. Our counselors can help you to restore your life to where you feel like you again, or maybe even better.

      We all experience sadness and feelings of being down from time to time. It is a natural response to the often-overwhelming emotions that can flood our world on a daily basis. However, when emotions of worthlessness and sadness permeate to the very core and will not let go, it is time to seek help.

      The local counselors for depression we have at our Geneva, IL office have helped many clients successfully, and they would love to sit down with you. Especially if you feel like you might be experiencing depression.

      The counseling process is simple. The first step is to reach out to us to meet with one of our therapists. During your first session, you will talk and tell them about your life, its ups and downs, and what has led you to this session. This takes place in a confidential and safe environment

      From there, your counselor will schedule ongoing sessions to get you the help you need. There is no need for further isolation or feelings of hopelessness. There are ways to recognize what is going on in your life, and successful therapies to turn you to a more peaceful path.

      What is Depression?

      Have you been experiencing any of these common symptoms?

      1. You don’t enjoy life anymore. You aren’t enjoying what you always held dear.
      2. There is little to no interest in seeing people or doing activities that once meant a lot to you.
      3. You’ve put on a lot of weight or have dropped a lot of pounds and your family and friends have noticed.
      4. You are having sleep difficulties. You feel as if you could sleep all day or you experience many sleepless nights.
      5. Your body movements feel as if they have slowed. This can lead to constant feelings of restlessness and agitation.
      6. You are carrying around guilt about an event or trauma.
      7. Concentrating or making decisions have become near impossible.
      8. You feel worthless. This can lead to heightened emotions where you find yourself crying all of the time.
      9. You have unexplained aches and pains all over your body.
      10. Your thoughts often turn to suicide or a belief that your life is not worth living. If you have strong and regular thoughts like these, we ask that you please call your local crisis center immediately.

      Depression is real. It changes people’s behaviors and can make them feel numb. It can bring about fatigue, appetite changes, aches and pains, and many new, inexplicable feelings that were not there before.

      If life feels overwhelming and out of control, it is time to contact the counselors for depression at our Geneva, IL office. Many times, depression seems to come out of nowhere, but there is always a cause, whether emotional, circumstantial, or chemical. Having mental health issues elsewhere in your family can make you more at risk of developing similar issues.

      How Our Geneva, IL Counseling Center Can Help You

      • A free initial consultation. Come in and speak with one of our counselors to hear what they recommend for you.
      • Flexible scheduling.
      • Counseling and medication services. We will determine which resources suit you best.
      • Verification of your insurance. This way you know what to pay each visit.
      • Cash and credit card payment options.
      • Same-day DUI evaluations.

      Once one or more of our counselors have accurately assessed your depression, they will get to work for you. We offer you the option of individual, couples, or family intervention.

      Seeking alternative and effective behaviors can make all the difference for you. The goal of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) in particular is to replace destructive behaviors with new, constructive skills that will help you rebuild your self-esteem and your life.

      You might find it easy to talk about your depression, but that is not the case for everyone. Children and teenagers act out differently, their depression manifesting through anger and irritability. Men often have trouble expressing emotions or they expect that they should keep them to themselves. This can lead to anger, substance or drug abuse, and aggression. Our depression counselors at our Geneva, IL center will show you or a family member how to recognize these emotions, and what to do about them.

      At our depression counseling centers in Geneva, IL, we have an array of multidisciplinary clinical staff including licensed and/or certified counselors. They are qualified to help you find your way out of the darkness.

      Through our therapy, you can learn new skills and tools to help you challenge every negative emotion and situation that comes your way. We can help you replace feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness with techniques that make your life easier and brighter.

      Braden Counseling Center is here for you. If you live in Geneva, IL and are in need of counseling for depression and anxiety, do not let it rule your life any longer. Counseling is a life-changing experience. It will teach you new ways of coping, no matter what life throws your way.

      Right now, you may be feeling lost. Our depression counselors in Geneva will help lead you back to the path of self-love and appreciation. Effective treatment could be counseling only, such as the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT, or it may involve medication for a more successful solution. Our trained professional staff will work with you to determine the most effective way to help you.

      You hold the key to a better life. With the help of Braden Counseling Center, we will unlock all of life’s treasures. For more information, or to get started with depression counseling, call us today.

      What Our Clients are Saying.....

      Professional, caring, and truly helpful. Highly recommend for anyone seeking support!
      Pedro Tomasini
      Pedro Tomasini
      14:29 20 Feb 25
      Braden Counseling has been instrumental in improving communication between my wife and me. We’re incredibly grateful to Vicki, whose support and guidance have helped us navigate our emotions and strengthen our bond. Thanks to her, we’re starting our marriage on a much stronger foundation and feel confident about our future together.
      Michael Conlee
      Michael Conlee
      23:00 19 Feb 25
      David Jones is very helpful and friendly hilly recommend him
      Damian Madrigal
      Damian Madrigal
      01:26 31 Jan 25
      This counselor is great with kids. If you are in need of any services with mental health or any issues that would have you seeking help, try her out!
      Natasha Johnson
      Natasha Johnson
      02:28 11 Dec 24
      I had David as counselor in the past and I have nothing but positive words to say about him. I now have been seeing Dwayne and he is such an amazing individual. He is very in detail with things. He makes sure all questions are answered! Very patient and every appointment always feels very safe and welcoming!
      Natalie Hernandez
      Natalie Hernandez
      13:30 21 Oct 24
      DuWayne is a very thoughtful and patient counselor. I look forward to my sessions and always leave with a sense of calm.
      Pamela Anne
      Pamela Anne
      01:51 22 Aug 24
      Honestly the 👌 best
      Courtney Worthington
      Courtney Worthington
      00:46 21 Aug 24
      Very professional experience. Informative, considerate and helpful. Thanks!
      Gabriel Othon
      Gabriel Othon
      17:28 16 Aug 24
      An excellent collection of very capable professionals who have helped me out extremely well.
      Harry Leffler
      Harry Leffler
      20:52 14 Aug 24
      I love my therapist here at Braden. Vickey is so caring and helpful. She is able to challenge me on hard topic in a supportive way. The staff are helpful and friendly.
      Jacquie Morrey
      Jacquie Morrey
      15:35 01 Aug 24
      I would rate as excellent the counselor with whom I've been working. She listens and offers very good suggestions for consideration and action.
      Harry Leffler
      Harry Leffler
      01:18 11 Apr 24
      My counselor Christine K. is very helpful, easy to talk to, makes me feel comfortable, gives great feedback!!!
      stacie dishman
      stacie dishman
      16:30 20 Feb 24
      Dwayne at Braden counseling goes above and beyond to help his clients. He is very professional and his priorities are all about his clients. I honestly, have to say that Dwayne is an amazing person, and I truly value our working relationships.
      Todd Friedewald
      Todd Friedewald
      00:31 12 Feb 24
      Highly recommend!
      Joseph Dolcimascolo
      Joseph Dolcimascolo
      02:12 31 Jan 24
      Braden counseling is outstanding in the work they do Paul has changed my life and helped me so much in understand myself better and transforming me into a better person all around I recommend this center and Paul to anyone keep up the hard work and dedication!
      Antonio Diaz
      Antonio Diaz
      02:14 24 Jan 24
      I appreciate the open dialogue allowing attendees to share their thoughts, which enriches the learning experience, but also to have the focused guidance of a counselor to ensure the point of topic.
      Joe Freehill
      Joe Freehill
      15:18 23 Jan 24
      Dwayne is awesome and a pleasure to work with! I will request him every time! Thank you, Dwayne!
      Jen Rupp
      Jen Rupp
      20:06 15 Dec 23
      Dwayne Johnson is very professional and understanding.. Great counselor.. very satisfying
      Eva Thompson
      Eva Thompson
      01:25 30 Nov 23
      I called so many other counseling office first, either no one answer the call or no confirmed days for class, with Braden, right away, walk me through the process, fees and needed information, able to set up appointment next day to do the testing and schedule me the class right way. very helpful, not like some other place asked me to fill out so many medical forms although just 10 hours DUI Risk Education.I am really happy with them, they are also not charge as much as other company.
      Lan Hankes
      Lan Hankes
      22:56 03 Oct 23
      Everyone was very professional and kind!
      Cody Neuschwanger
      Cody Neuschwanger
      16:49 18 Sep 23
      Worked with Dwayne Thomas at the North Aurora location and couldn't be more satisfied with the respect and understanding he operated with. Really knows how to connect and convey the right message.
      Bret Van Gampler
      Bret Van Gampler
      23:30 05 Sep 23
      Very friendly and did a great job.
      Matthew Quirk
      Matthew Quirk
      21:41 18 Aug 23
      I see Amanda Cimaglia and she is by far the most compassionate, respecting and caring counselor I've had. With all the craziness I'm going through she really keeps me grounded. Always listens to me and never ever rushes me but gives me time for her positive feedback.I've always had trouble trusting someone with my issues because I'd find out that the counselor did not go according to her perfession but listen to others to get something out of me. I never had once had that once with Amanda Cimaglia and she let's me work through things I need to at my own pace. And for that I thank her 😊 . She has my mental health at her best interest. Wish there was more counselors out there like her so others can have a safe spot to speak without judgment like I do.From the very bottom of my heart, thank you Amanada Cimaglia and Braden Counseling for having her on board. I'm sure all your staff and team members are just as compassionate ❤️
      Maggie Opiola
      Maggie Opiola
      19:52 26 Jun 23
      David Jones is an outstanding counselor. I feel very fortunate to have him as our Lead on Saturday Morning group sessions.
      John Boehm
      John Boehm
      06:31 24 May 23
      Staff was amazing. Everything was explained and all questions answered.
      Wanda Sutton
      Wanda Sutton
      23:21 21 Apr 23
      understanding compassionate reflextive knowledged tool based
      happy holiday
      happy holiday
      20:10 09 Dec 22
      Braden Counseling is a clinic we frequently refer to because of the clinical quality and comprehensive services. All interactions we have had with Braden have been very positive and helpful; excellent coordination of care.
      Maggie Miilano
      Maggie Miilano
      16:57 02 Dec 22
      Braden counseling is very good at what they do. They do great things. I’ve been through there system more then once, I recommend them all day every day. Take your pick. I’d say choose one these guys. Very friendly, never mess up and very interactive. If you need anything they are there. I have met a lot of the staff and they all are true and gifted. Thank you Braden counseling for your great works!
      Cody Bell
      Cody Bell
      23:02 21 Sep 22
      Dr.Braden is an incredible, sweet and motivating leader! I’m so blessed to have found her center to successfully get me through 10 years of care. Everyone should know if I overcame my many obstacles they can too! Work hard and put up a fight!
      Lisa Tegeler
      Lisa Tegeler
      00:19 29 Jul 22
      As an attorney, finding the right treatment center for my clients is critical to their success. I have been referring my clients to Braden Counseling for years. They are always hard working, professional, and accomodating.
      Brian Mirandola
      Brian Mirandola
      16:59 26 May 22
      I love my therapist at Braden, I always feel listened to and I look forward to my visits. All of the staff I've interacted with has been super friendly and helpful, and the environment is very calming. Best therapy center I have been to.
      Devon Buza
      Devon Buza
      15:25 25 Jun 21
      Very professional and they were extremely nice, I'm happy with my choice of going threw Braden counseling center for my classes!
      gage butts
      gage butts
      19:43 07 Feb 21
      Amazing place
      Ralph Burton
      Ralph Burton
      16:30 30 Jan 21
      Braden Counseling’s staff is outstanding! The counselor conducted herself in a very friendly, courteous, and professional manner. I was treated with dignity and respect. I was put at ease and the evaluation went smoothly, and efficiently. I would definitely recommend Braden Counseling for all of your personal needs.😊
      Gregory Link
      Gregory Link
      17:16 21 Jan 21
      Excellent first visit with Dr. Braden.
      Gary Duffett
      Gary Duffett
      21:18 19 Dec 20
      My son liked his first visit and is open to going back again.
      Veris Nicole
      Veris Nicole
      22:36 12 Oct 20
      Very friendly and welcoming staff. Highly recommend
      Jennifer Rosales
      Jennifer Rosales
      21:50 29 Jul 20
      I could not be more satisfied with braden counseling with thier help. Very patient with clients in crisis and need of thier help.
      randall nuckles
      randall nuckles
      15:12 09 Jul 20
      I truly got the help I needed here and I appreciate all the staff member for making it a comfortable environment to feel free to talk about what's on your mind and making sure you get the proper help you need.
      Majah’s Mayhem
      Majah’s Mayhem
      19:30 20 May 20
      Love the staff .. came here for help and they definitely made a point to take care of all my paper work I needed .. would highly recommend them mostly Nikki shes a great help with anything .. always so cheerfull here 🙂
      miguel tovar
      miguel tovar
      00:58 17 Dec 19
      All staff very nice, respectful, caring, patientWould definitely recommend
      Zack Newby
      Zack Newby
      01:23 18 Nov 19
      One word....AMAZING !Very Comprehensive and Professional service. I would Highly Recommend to any one in need.
      Joseph Perry
      Joseph Perry
      16:58 10 Jul 19
      Dr. Jane Braden was absolutely wonderful and help me though my whole dui process, made it easy and help me understand.thank you some much DR. Branden for everything, your the best !!!😜
      Sean Battersby
      Sean Battersby
      18:46 12 Mar 19
      Friendly staff, very professional and results driven
      Jeffrey Kerner
      Jeffrey Kerner
      13:53 01 Aug 17
      Caring staff. Dr Braden was extremely compassionate and supportive during a difficult time. Recommend to anyone!
      T Anderson
      T Anderson
      21:54 06 Apr 16
      Braden Counseling center has the finest professionals around. I'd highly recommend their services should a need arise.
      03:03 29 Mar 16
      Braden Counseling is amazing! Very kind, very friendly staff. Treated me as though I'd been family. I'd recommend them to anyone!
      Jessica jorgensen
      Jessica jorgensen
      22:34 24 Mar 16
      They have amazing staff. They listen and help out so much I would recommend them to anyone .
      Brad Jorgensen
      Brad Jorgensen
      22:33 24 Mar 16
      The staff is very welcoming and friendly and professional when you walk through the door!! I had been dealing with some anxiety for some time.... I am so glad I went to Braden counseling my first visit there I felt a sense of being welcomed and actually listened to!! Needless to say when I walked out the door I felt a weight off my shoulders I haven't felt in sometime!! So thank you to your wonderful staff!! I would highly recommend Braden counseling to anyone who is looking for a great counselor to talk with and help with your mental health!!
      Deborah Mccoy
      Deborah Mccoy
      19:00 24 Mar 16
      I was an emotional wreck when I first went. I was nervous and probably not making a lot of sense. The staff seemed to understand and immediately put me at ease. By the time I left, life just didn’t seem so bad. Thank you Braden Center for being there.
      Pam Pascolini
      Pam Pascolini
      15:57 24 Mar 16
      The staff is friendly and courteous. I was amazed at how helpful they were. These people are top notch and very professional. I would highly recommend this office.
      Tricia Hernandez
      Tricia Hernandez
      15:45 24 Mar 16
      Braden Counseling Center has always been wonderful. Their front staff is very kind and helpful and Dr. Braden is nothing but professional during all encounters I have had with her. Their facility and staff care about providing quality services to their clients. I highly recommend them.
      Amanda Poturalski
      Amanda Poturalski
      13:56 24 Mar 16
      Would give this place more then 5 stars if I could. I Highly recommend them. Staff is amazing there and so helpful .
      Master Shake
      Master Shake
      21:57 23 Mar 16
      I highly recommend Braden Counseling. All the staff there is amazing and very sweet 🙂
      Melissa Stathis
      Melissa Stathis
      21:48 23 Mar 16
      Highly recommend this place. Very helpful and always courteous. Ms. Rogers is the best and has excellent skills with people to help them through a multitude of problems.
      Sarah Schuyler
      Sarah Schuyler
      20:37 23 Mar 16
      Amazing place! The counselors have helped me through some of my lowest points & the girl at the front desk, Cindy, is always super helpful, kind & courteous. Highly recommend!!!
      Jennifer Alexander
      Jennifer Alexander
      19:54 23 Mar 16

      Bartlett IL Depression Counseling Services

      Bartlett, IL Counseling for Depression at Braden Counseling Center

      Life can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, not every day promises happiness. When you begin to feel that just getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest chore you will face, there is something wrong. Do not struggle alone. The local counselors for depression at the Braden Counseling Center in Bartlett, IL can help you now.

      We are here to tell you, there is a better way. We offer solutions to your most difficult situations, whether you want to see us individually, as a couple, or as a family. Our goal is to teach you new skills to replace the old, to help deal with the destructive behaviors that have been clouding your daily life.

      How Will Depression Affect You?

      Everyone feels sad or blue sometimes. It is a normal emotion in reaction to situations all around us. However, when feelings of sadness and hopelessness linger, disrupting daily life, it is time to seek help. Depression can cause people to lose interest in everyday things, including interests that have previously made you happy but no longer occupy a special place in your heart.

      Be wary of advice that it is just a passing phase or that it will get better on its own. While this is sometimes the case, other times getting help is necessary. At the very least, it can ease the process of recovery, or confirm that you are essentially okay. With one small phone call to our counselors for depression at our Bartlett office, you will be on your way to finding out what is wrong and fixing it.

      Let’s Chat

        Counseling ServicesEvaluations

        A Checklist of Common Symptoms of Depression

        1. Sad or empty mood– All day long, you feel sad or unwilling to face anything that comes along. Teenagers often exhibit this mood as anger and irritability.
        2. Loss of interest– People and activities that always interested you no longer do so.
        3. Weight change– You may have put on or lost a significant amount of weight without dieting. This is likely to be evident to your family and friends.
        4. Sleep issues– You might be sleeping too much or not sleeping well at all.
        5. Changes in appetite– You may no longer be enjoying food at all, or you might notice that you are gorging on unhealthy foods.
        6. Agitation and restlessness– You may even experience feelings that your body movements have slowed.
        7. Guilt– Significant guilt over past events is a common trigger for depression and a sign of its continuance.
        8. Lack of concentration– Concentrating can become very difficult when depressed. It may feel like you are experiencing what is known as “brain fog.” Making a decision can become a momentous task.
        9. Negative thoughts– When depressed, negative thoughts can crowd your mind, and you may have great difficulty “turning them off.” These thoughts could be about yourself or others.
        10. Feelings of worthlessness– Another common sign, low self-esteem can afflict depression sufferers day and night.
        11. Unexplained aches and pain
        12. Suicidal thoughts– If you believe that your life is not worth living anymore and have been thinking about death or suicide, contact your local crisis center immediately. Do not wait for our office to open.

        Depression is a very serious issue, one that can affect you and can last for years. Our counselors will help you understand what you are going through and that you are not alone. Note that depression is often expressed in different ways in children, teens, men and women.

        Children and teens, for example, often act out as grouchy, angry, and irritable. For men, depression may show up as anger, aggression, and substance or alcohol abuse. Because men tend to have difficulty expressing emotions, they typically manifest depression in their actions.

        Because depression can last for months or years, it has the potential to become a very destructive force. The counseling for depression and anxiety services we have at our Bartlett, IL location will help you to identify factors that might have led to these feelings.

        Once we have accurately diagnosed your depression, counselors will work with you towards a solution. They provide individual, family, or couples therapy to help you better understand the causes of, and solutions for, depression. Their goal is to rid you of destructive behaviors by replacing them with new skills that will empower you.

        Depression Counseling

        What Our Bartlett, IL Counselors for Depression Offer You

        • Flexible scheduling that includes evenings. Because not everyone is available during the day, we work with you to find the right times for you.
        • A free initial consultation. Come in and talk with one of our Bartlett, IL counselors for depression.
        • Counseling and medication services. Sometimes, counseling is all you need to turn your life around. At other times, additional help is needed, such as medications that can make all the difference.
        • Verification of your insurance benefits. You will know what to pay each and every time you visit us.
        • Cash and credit card payments make it easy to book your appointments.
        • Same-day DUI evaluations.

        When you seek professional help, be sure it is with someone that you trust. Counseling for depression is one of many disciplines we treat at our counseling center in Bartlett. We know how important good mental health is, and no one should have to suffer through another day of depression if they do not have to.

        You and your counselor will work together to determine which treatment methods will be best for you. Those with less severe symptoms often make great progress with a therapist through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) alone. This approach changes ineffective and destructive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.

        The most important thing is that you (or someone you know suffering from depression) gets better. For more information on depression and how our depression counseling can help, contact our Bartlett office right away, or one of the other locations we have at Braden Counseling Center. Our staff is trained to help you to recognize what is wrong, and we will work with you until every day is a brighter day.

        Elgin IL Depression Counseling Services

        Elgin, IL Counseling for Depression at Braden Counseling Center

        Life can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, not every day promises happiness. When you begin to feel that just getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest chore you will face, there is something wrong. Do not struggle alone. The local counselors for depression at the Braden Counseling Center in Elgin, IL can help you now.

        We are here to tell you, there is a better way. We offer solutions to your most difficult situations, whether you want to see us individually, as a couple, or as a family. Our goal is to teach you new skills to replace the old, to help deal with the destructive behaviors that have been clouding your daily life.

        How Will Depression Affect You?

        Everyone feels sad or blue sometimes. It is a normal emotion in reaction to situations all around us. However, when feelings of sadness and hopelessness linger, disrupting daily life, it is time to seek help. Depression can cause people to lose interest in everyday things, including interests that have previously made you happy but no longer occupy a special place in your heart.

        Be wary of advice that it is just a passing phase or that it will get better on its own. While this is sometimes the case, other times getting help is necessary. At the very least, it can ease the process of recovery, or confirm that you are essentially okay. With one small phone call to our counselors for depression at our Elgin office, you will be on your way to finding out what is wrong and fixing it.

        Let’s Chat

          Counseling ServicesEvaluations

          A Checklist of Common Symptoms of Depression

          1. Sad or empty mood– All day long, you feel sad or unwilling to face anything that comes along. Teenagers often exhibit this mood as anger and irritability.
          2. Loss of interest– People and activities that always interested you no longer do so.
          3. Weight change– You may have put on or lost a significant amount of weight without dieting. This is likely to be evident to your family and friends.
          4. Sleep issues– You might be sleeping too much or not sleeping well at all.
          5. Changes in appetite– You may no longer be enjoying food at all, or you might notice that you are gorging on unhealthy foods.
          6. Agitation and restlessness– You may even experience feelings that your body movements have slowed.
          7. Guilt– Significant guilt over past events is a common trigger for depression and a sign of its continuance.
          8. Lack of concentration– Concentrating can become very difficult when depressed. It may feel like you are experiencing what is known as “brain fog.” Making a decision can become a momentous task.
          9. Negative thoughts– When depressed, negative thoughts can crowd your mind, and you may have great difficulty “turning them off.” These thoughts could be about yourself or others.
          10. Feelings of worthlessness– Another common sign, low self-esteem can afflict depression sufferers day and night.
          11. Unexplained aches and pain
          12. Suicidal thoughts– If you believe that your life is not worth living anymore and have been thinking about death or suicide, contact your local crisis center immediately. Do not wait for our office to open.

          Depression is a very serious issue, one that can affect you and can last for years. Our counselors will help you understand what you are going through and that you are not alone. Note that depression is often expressed in different ways in children, teens, men and women.

          Children and teens, for example, often act out as grouchy, angry, and irritable. For men, depression may show up as anger, aggression, and substance or alcohol abuse. Because men tend to have difficulty expressing emotions, they typically manifest depression in their actions.

          Because depression can last for months or years, it has the potential to become a very destructive force. The counseling for depression and anxiety services we have at our Elgin, IL location will help you to identify factors that might have led to these feelings.

          Once we have accurately diagnosed your depression, counselors will work with you towards a solution. They provide individual, family, or couples therapy to help you better understand the causes of, and solutions for, depression. Their goal is to rid you of destructive behaviors by replacing them with new skills that will empower you.

          Depression Counseling

          What Our Elgin, IL Counselors for Depression Offer You

          • Flexible scheduling that includes evenings. Because not everyone is available during the day, we work with you to find the right times for you.
          • A free initial consultation. Come in and talk with one of our Elgin, IL counselors for depression.
          • Counseling and medication services. Sometimes, counseling is all you need to turn your life around. At other times, additional help is needed, such as medications that can make all the difference.
          • Verification of your insurance benefits. You will know what to pay each and every time you visit us.
          • Cash and credit card payments make it easy to book your appointments.
          • Same-day DUI evaluations.

          When you seek professional help, be sure it is with someone that you trust. Counseling for depression is one of many disciplines we treat at our counseling center in Elgin. We know how important good mental health is, and no one should have to suffer through another day of depression if they do not have to.

          You and your counselor will work together to determine which treatment methods will be best for you. Those with less severe symptoms often make great progress with a therapist through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) alone. This approach changes ineffective and destructive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting.

          The most important thing is that you (or someone you know suffering from depression) gets better. For more information on depression and how our depression counseling can help, contact our Elgin office right away, or one of the other locations we have at Braden Counseling Center. Our staff is trained to help you to recognize what is wrong, and we will work with you until every day is a brighter day.


          What Our Clients are Saying.....

          Professional, caring, and truly helpful. Highly recommend for anyone seeking support!
          Pedro Tomasini
          Pedro Tomasini
          14:29 20 Feb 25
          Braden Counseling has been instrumental in improving communication between my wife and me. We’re incredibly grateful to Vicki, whose support and guidance have helped us navigate our emotions and strengthen our bond. Thanks to her, we’re starting our marriage on a much stronger foundation and feel confident about our future together.
          Michael Conlee
          Michael Conlee
          23:00 19 Feb 25
          David Jones is very helpful and friendly hilly recommend him
          Damian Madrigal
          Damian Madrigal
          01:26 31 Jan 25
          This counselor is great with kids. If you are in need of any services with mental health or any issues that would have you seeking help, try her out!
          Natasha Johnson
          Natasha Johnson
          02:28 11 Dec 24
          I had David as counselor in the past and I have nothing but positive words to say about him. I now have been seeing Dwayne and he is such an amazing individual. He is very in detail with things. He makes sure all questions are answered! Very patient and every appointment always feels very safe and welcoming!
          Natalie Hernandez
          Natalie Hernandez
          13:30 21 Oct 24
          DuWayne is a very thoughtful and patient counselor. I look forward to my sessions and always leave with a sense of calm.
          Pamela Anne
          Pamela Anne
          01:51 22 Aug 24
          Honestly the 👌 best
          Courtney Worthington
          Courtney Worthington
          00:46 21 Aug 24
          Very professional experience. Informative, considerate and helpful. Thanks!
          Gabriel Othon
          Gabriel Othon
          17:28 16 Aug 24
          An excellent collection of very capable professionals who have helped me out extremely well.
          Harry Leffler
          Harry Leffler
          20:52 14 Aug 24
          I love my therapist here at Braden. Vickey is so caring and helpful. She is able to challenge me on hard topic in a supportive way. The staff are helpful and friendly.
          Jacquie Morrey
          Jacquie Morrey
          15:35 01 Aug 24
          I would rate as excellent the counselor with whom I've been working. She listens and offers very good suggestions for consideration and action.
          Harry Leffler
          Harry Leffler
          01:18 11 Apr 24
          My counselor Christine K. is very helpful, easy to talk to, makes me feel comfortable, gives great feedback!!!
          stacie dishman
          stacie dishman
          16:30 20 Feb 24
          Dwayne at Braden counseling goes above and beyond to help his clients. He is very professional and his priorities are all about his clients. I honestly, have to say that Dwayne is an amazing person, and I truly value our working relationships.
          Todd Friedewald
          Todd Friedewald
          00:31 12 Feb 24
          Highly recommend!
          Joseph Dolcimascolo
          Joseph Dolcimascolo
          02:12 31 Jan 24
          Braden counseling is outstanding in the work they do Paul has changed my life and helped me so much in understand myself better and transforming me into a better person all around I recommend this center and Paul to anyone keep up the hard work and dedication!
          Antonio Diaz
          Antonio Diaz
          02:14 24 Jan 24
          I appreciate the open dialogue allowing attendees to share their thoughts, which enriches the learning experience, but also to have the focused guidance of a counselor to ensure the point of topic.
          Joe Freehill
          Joe Freehill
          15:18 23 Jan 24
          Dwayne is awesome and a pleasure to work with! I will request him every time! Thank you, Dwayne!
          Jen Rupp
          Jen Rupp
          20:06 15 Dec 23
          Dwayne Johnson is very professional and understanding.. Great counselor.. very satisfying
          Eva Thompson
          Eva Thompson
          01:25 30 Nov 23
          I called so many other counseling office first, either no one answer the call or no confirmed days for class, with Braden, right away, walk me through the process, fees and needed information, able to set up appointment next day to do the testing and schedule me the class right way. very helpful, not like some other place asked me to fill out so many medical forms although just 10 hours DUI Risk Education.I am really happy with them, they are also not charge as much as other company.
          Lan Hankes
          Lan Hankes
          22:56 03 Oct 23
          Everyone was very professional and kind!
          Cody Neuschwanger
          Cody Neuschwanger
          16:49 18 Sep 23
          Worked with Dwayne Thomas at the North Aurora location and couldn't be more satisfied with the respect and understanding he operated with. Really knows how to connect and convey the right message.
          Bret Van Gampler
          Bret Van Gampler
          23:30 05 Sep 23
          Very friendly and did a great job.
          Matthew Quirk
          Matthew Quirk
          21:41 18 Aug 23
          I see Amanda Cimaglia and she is by far the most compassionate, respecting and caring counselor I've had. With all the craziness I'm going through she really keeps me grounded. Always listens to me and never ever rushes me but gives me time for her positive feedback.I've always had trouble trusting someone with my issues because I'd find out that the counselor did not go according to her perfession but listen to others to get something out of me. I never had once had that once with Amanda Cimaglia and she let's me work through things I need to at my own pace. And for that I thank her 😊 . She has my mental health at her best interest. Wish there was more counselors out there like her so others can have a safe spot to speak without judgment like I do.From the very bottom of my heart, thank you Amanada Cimaglia and Braden Counseling for having her on board. I'm sure all your staff and team members are just as compassionate ❤️
          Maggie Opiola
          Maggie Opiola
          19:52 26 Jun 23
          David Jones is an outstanding counselor. I feel very fortunate to have him as our Lead on Saturday Morning group sessions.
          John Boehm
          John Boehm
          06:31 24 May 23
          Staff was amazing. Everything was explained and all questions answered.
          Wanda Sutton
          Wanda Sutton
          23:21 21 Apr 23
          understanding compassionate reflextive knowledged tool based
          happy holiday
          happy holiday
          20:10 09 Dec 22
          Braden Counseling is a clinic we frequently refer to because of the clinical quality and comprehensive services. All interactions we have had with Braden have been very positive and helpful; excellent coordination of care.
          Maggie Miilano
          Maggie Miilano
          16:57 02 Dec 22
          Braden counseling is very good at what they do. They do great things. I’ve been through there system more then once, I recommend them all day every day. Take your pick. I’d say choose one these guys. Very friendly, never mess up and very interactive. If you need anything they are there. I have met a lot of the staff and they all are true and gifted. Thank you Braden counseling for your great works!
          Cody Bell
          Cody Bell
          23:02 21 Sep 22
          Dr.Braden is an incredible, sweet and motivating leader! I’m so blessed to have found her center to successfully get me through 10 years of care. Everyone should know if I overcame my many obstacles they can too! Work hard and put up a fight!
          Lisa Tegeler
          Lisa Tegeler
          00:19 29 Jul 22
          As an attorney, finding the right treatment center for my clients is critical to their success. I have been referring my clients to Braden Counseling for years. They are always hard working, professional, and accomodating.
          Brian Mirandola
          Brian Mirandola
          16:59 26 May 22
          I love my therapist at Braden, I always feel listened to and I look forward to my visits. All of the staff I've interacted with has been super friendly and helpful, and the environment is very calming. Best therapy center I have been to.
          Devon Buza
          Devon Buza
          15:25 25 Jun 21
          Very professional and they were extremely nice, I'm happy with my choice of going threw Braden counseling center for my classes!
          gage butts
          gage butts
          19:43 07 Feb 21
          Amazing place
          Ralph Burton
          Ralph Burton
          16:30 30 Jan 21
          Braden Counseling’s staff is outstanding! The counselor conducted herself in a very friendly, courteous, and professional manner. I was treated with dignity and respect. I was put at ease and the evaluation went smoothly, and efficiently. I would definitely recommend Braden Counseling for all of your personal needs.😊
          Gregory Link
          Gregory Link
          17:16 21 Jan 21
          Excellent first visit with Dr. Braden.
          Gary Duffett
          Gary Duffett
          21:18 19 Dec 20
          My son liked his first visit and is open to going back again.
          Veris Nicole
          Veris Nicole
          22:36 12 Oct 20
          Very friendly and welcoming staff. Highly recommend
          Jennifer Rosales
          Jennifer Rosales
          21:50 29 Jul 20
          I could not be more satisfied with braden counseling with thier help. Very patient with clients in crisis and need of thier help.
          randall nuckles
          randall nuckles
          15:12 09 Jul 20
          I truly got the help I needed here and I appreciate all the staff member for making it a comfortable environment to feel free to talk about what's on your mind and making sure you get the proper help you need.
          Majah’s Mayhem
          Majah’s Mayhem
          19:30 20 May 20
          Love the staff .. came here for help and they definitely made a point to take care of all my paper work I needed .. would highly recommend them mostly Nikki shes a great help with anything .. always so cheerfull here 🙂
          miguel tovar
          miguel tovar
          00:58 17 Dec 19
          All staff very nice, respectful, caring, patientWould definitely recommend
          Zack Newby
          Zack Newby
          01:23 18 Nov 19
          One word....AMAZING !Very Comprehensive and Professional service. I would Highly Recommend to any one in need.
          Joseph Perry
          Joseph Perry
          16:58 10 Jul 19
          Dr. Jane Braden was absolutely wonderful and help me though my whole dui process, made it easy and help me understand.thank you some much DR. Branden for everything, your the best !!!😜
          Sean Battersby
          Sean Battersby
          18:46 12 Mar 19
          Friendly staff, very professional and results driven
          Jeffrey Kerner
          Jeffrey Kerner
          13:53 01 Aug 17
          Caring staff. Dr Braden was extremely compassionate and supportive during a difficult time. Recommend to anyone!
          T Anderson
          T Anderson
          21:54 06 Apr 16
          Braden Counseling center has the finest professionals around. I'd highly recommend their services should a need arise.
          03:03 29 Mar 16
          Braden Counseling is amazing! Very kind, very friendly staff. Treated me as though I'd been family. I'd recommend them to anyone!
          Jessica jorgensen
          Jessica jorgensen
          22:34 24 Mar 16
          They have amazing staff. They listen and help out so much I would recommend them to anyone .
          Brad Jorgensen
          Brad Jorgensen
          22:33 24 Mar 16
          The staff is very welcoming and friendly and professional when you walk through the door!! I had been dealing with some anxiety for some time.... I am so glad I went to Braden counseling my first visit there I felt a sense of being welcomed and actually listened to!! Needless to say when I walked out the door I felt a weight off my shoulders I haven't felt in sometime!! So thank you to your wonderful staff!! I would highly recommend Braden counseling to anyone who is looking for a great counselor to talk with and help with your mental health!!
          Deborah Mccoy
          Deborah Mccoy
          19:00 24 Mar 16
          I was an emotional wreck when I first went. I was nervous and probably not making a lot of sense. The staff seemed to understand and immediately put me at ease. By the time I left, life just didn’t seem so bad. Thank you Braden Center for being there.
          Pam Pascolini
          Pam Pascolini
          15:57 24 Mar 16
          The staff is friendly and courteous. I was amazed at how helpful they were. These people are top notch and very professional. I would highly recommend this office.
          Tricia Hernandez
          Tricia Hernandez
          15:45 24 Mar 16
          Braden Counseling Center has always been wonderful. Their front staff is very kind and helpful and Dr. Braden is nothing but professional during all encounters I have had with her. Their facility and staff care about providing quality services to their clients. I highly recommend them.
          Amanda Poturalski
          Amanda Poturalski
          13:56 24 Mar 16
          Would give this place more then 5 stars if I could. I Highly recommend them. Staff is amazing there and so helpful .
          Master Shake
          Master Shake
          21:57 23 Mar 16
          I highly recommend Braden Counseling. All the staff there is amazing and very sweet 🙂
          Melissa Stathis
          Melissa Stathis
          21:48 23 Mar 16
          Highly recommend this place. Very helpful and always courteous. Ms. Rogers is the best and has excellent skills with people to help them through a multitude of problems.
          Sarah Schuyler
          Sarah Schuyler
          20:37 23 Mar 16
          Amazing place! The counselors have helped me through some of my lowest points & the girl at the front desk, Cindy, is always super helpful, kind & courteous. Highly recommend!!!
          Jennifer Alexander
          Jennifer Alexander
          19:54 23 Mar 16


          Read through the Quick Assessment Below. As you do, how many are you experiencing now, or have in the recent past? If you answered “Yes” to several of these challenges, it is very likely you are experiencing a depressive mood disorder.

          Quick Assessment

          1. Sad or Empty Mood
          2. Loss of Pleasure in Activities You Normally Enjoy
          3. Unwanted Weight Loss or Weight Gain
          4. Change in Appetite
          5. Sleep Difficulties, Too Much or Too Little Sleep
          6. Feelings of Restlessness or Being Slowed Down
          7. Fatigue or Loss of Energy
          8. Feelings of Worthlessness
          9. Guilt
          10. Indecisiveness
          11. Diminished Ability to Think or Concentrate
          12. Thoughts of Death or Suicide

          The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) survey in 2014 determined:

          6.6 percent of adults aged 18 or older (15.7 million people) had at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year, and 4.3 percent of adults (10.2 million people) had an MDE with severe impairment in the past year. These data indicate nearly 2/3 of the adults with an MDE experienced severe impairment as the result.

          This data, however, only counts adults who met all the criteria for an MDE, not those who only had a few symptoms of depression. It is estimated that by 2020, depression will be the second largest killer after heart disease. The effects of depressive symptoms clearly impact functioning, yet many do not seek treatment until they can no longer “take it” instead. If you had the flu for 3 months, you would probably do to the doctor. With depression, though, treatment is seldom sought until forced. Its likely 80% of depressed individuals are not receiving treatment, and probably don’t even realize depression is causing the symptoms they experience.

          Let’s Chat

            Counseling ServicesEvaluations

            Common complaints include a general lack of energy or motivation and significant changes in eating and/or sleeping patterns. Some eat and sleep more, some eat and sleep less, and others combine these in different ways. Pervasive feelings of sadness and guilt often occur and may be accompanied by sudden periods of crying or irritability. Sexual interest is often impacted by depressive symptoms and occasionally this is what leads to seeking treatment. Activities the individual has enjoyed are either no longer enjoyable or not a much joy is experienced when engaged in them. Depression can also be a somewhat chronic sense of boredom, dullness or low energy, and not even seem like depression. What is important to note, though, is the fact that treatment is available, even for mild symptoms. If treatment is sought sooner, the road back can be shorter, and easier. There can also be a chemical imbalance that contributes to clinical depression symptoms.

            You and your counselor can work together to determine whether counseling alone or counseling with medication is the most effective treatment. Many who experience much less severe symptoms make great progress with their therapist. Typically you work with your counselor to determine the causes and effects of your depression symptoms. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is often used to help change ineffective habits of thinking, feeling and acting. There are several techniques that can be employed with great effectiveness.

            Our staff is trained to help you determine if depression is at the root of the way you feel. Once this determination is made, a plan to help you change the way you feel is the next step. You deserve to feel able to face each day with hope.

            We have locations in Sycamore, Oregon, Elgin, Bartlett, Geneva, and Rochelle.


            What Our Clients are Saying.....

            Professional, caring, and truly helpful. Highly recommend for anyone seeking support!
            Pedro Tomasini
            Pedro Tomasini
            14:29 20 Feb 25
            Braden Counseling has been instrumental in improving communication between my wife and me. We’re incredibly grateful to Vicki, whose support and guidance have helped us navigate our emotions and strengthen our bond. Thanks to her, we’re starting our marriage on a much stronger foundation and feel confident about our future together.
            Michael Conlee
            Michael Conlee
            23:00 19 Feb 25
            David Jones is very helpful and friendly hilly recommend him
            Damian Madrigal
            Damian Madrigal
            01:26 31 Jan 25
            This counselor is great with kids. If you are in need of any services with mental health or any issues that would have you seeking help, try her out!
            Natasha Johnson
            Natasha Johnson
            02:28 11 Dec 24
            I had David as counselor in the past and I have nothing but positive words to say about him. I now have been seeing Dwayne and he is such an amazing individual. He is very in detail with things. He makes sure all questions are answered! Very patient and every appointment always feels very safe and welcoming!
            Natalie Hernandez
            Natalie Hernandez
            13:30 21 Oct 24
            DuWayne is a very thoughtful and patient counselor. I look forward to my sessions and always leave with a sense of calm.
            Pamela Anne
            Pamela Anne
            01:51 22 Aug 24
            Honestly the 👌 best
            Courtney Worthington
            Courtney Worthington
            00:46 21 Aug 24
            Very professional experience. Informative, considerate and helpful. Thanks!
            Gabriel Othon
            Gabriel Othon
            17:28 16 Aug 24
            An excellent collection of very capable professionals who have helped me out extremely well.
            Harry Leffler
            Harry Leffler
            20:52 14 Aug 24
            I love my therapist here at Braden. Vickey is so caring and helpful. She is able to challenge me on hard topic in a supportive way. The staff are helpful and friendly.
            Jacquie Morrey
            Jacquie Morrey
            15:35 01 Aug 24
            I would rate as excellent the counselor with whom I've been working. She listens and offers very good suggestions for consideration and action.
            Harry Leffler
            Harry Leffler
            01:18 11 Apr 24
            My counselor Christine K. is very helpful, easy to talk to, makes me feel comfortable, gives great feedback!!!
            stacie dishman
            stacie dishman
            16:30 20 Feb 24
            Dwayne at Braden counseling goes above and beyond to help his clients. He is very professional and his priorities are all about his clients. I honestly, have to say that Dwayne is an amazing person, and I truly value our working relationships.
            Todd Friedewald
            Todd Friedewald
            00:31 12 Feb 24
            Highly recommend!
            Joseph Dolcimascolo
            Joseph Dolcimascolo
            02:12 31 Jan 24
            Braden counseling is outstanding in the work they do Paul has changed my life and helped me so much in understand myself better and transforming me into a better person all around I recommend this center and Paul to anyone keep up the hard work and dedication!
            Antonio Diaz
            Antonio Diaz
            02:14 24 Jan 24
            I appreciate the open dialogue allowing attendees to share their thoughts, which enriches the learning experience, but also to have the focused guidance of a counselor to ensure the point of topic.
            Joe Freehill
            Joe Freehill
            15:18 23 Jan 24
            Dwayne is awesome and a pleasure to work with! I will request him every time! Thank you, Dwayne!
            Jen Rupp
            Jen Rupp
            20:06 15 Dec 23
            Dwayne Johnson is very professional and understanding.. Great counselor.. very satisfying
            Eva Thompson
            Eva Thompson
            01:25 30 Nov 23
            I called so many other counseling office first, either no one answer the call or no confirmed days for class, with Braden, right away, walk me through the process, fees and needed information, able to set up appointment next day to do the testing and schedule me the class right way. very helpful, not like some other place asked me to fill out so many medical forms although just 10 hours DUI Risk Education.I am really happy with them, they are also not charge as much as other company.
            Lan Hankes
            Lan Hankes
            22:56 03 Oct 23
            Everyone was very professional and kind!
            Cody Neuschwanger
            Cody Neuschwanger
            16:49 18 Sep 23
            Worked with Dwayne Thomas at the North Aurora location and couldn't be more satisfied with the respect and understanding he operated with. Really knows how to connect and convey the right message.
            Bret Van Gampler
            Bret Van Gampler
            23:30 05 Sep 23
            Very friendly and did a great job.
            Matthew Quirk
            Matthew Quirk
            21:41 18 Aug 23
            I see Amanda Cimaglia and she is by far the most compassionate, respecting and caring counselor I've had. With all the craziness I'm going through she really keeps me grounded. Always listens to me and never ever rushes me but gives me time for her positive feedback.I've always had trouble trusting someone with my issues because I'd find out that the counselor did not go according to her perfession but listen to others to get something out of me. I never had once had that once with Amanda Cimaglia and she let's me work through things I need to at my own pace. And for that I thank her 😊 . She has my mental health at her best interest. Wish there was more counselors out there like her so others can have a safe spot to speak without judgment like I do.From the very bottom of my heart, thank you Amanada Cimaglia and Braden Counseling for having her on board. I'm sure all your staff and team members are just as compassionate ❤️
            Maggie Opiola
            Maggie Opiola
            19:52 26 Jun 23
            David Jones is an outstanding counselor. I feel very fortunate to have him as our Lead on Saturday Morning group sessions.
            John Boehm
            John Boehm
            06:31 24 May 23
            Staff was amazing. Everything was explained and all questions answered.
            Wanda Sutton
            Wanda Sutton
            23:21 21 Apr 23
            understanding compassionate reflextive knowledged tool based
            happy holiday
            happy holiday
            20:10 09 Dec 22
            Braden Counseling is a clinic we frequently refer to because of the clinical quality and comprehensive services. All interactions we have had with Braden have been very positive and helpful; excellent coordination of care.
            Maggie Miilano
            Maggie Miilano
            16:57 02 Dec 22
            Braden counseling is very good at what they do. They do great things. I’ve been through there system more then once, I recommend them all day every day. Take your pick. I’d say choose one these guys. Very friendly, never mess up and very interactive. If you need anything they are there. I have met a lot of the staff and they all are true and gifted. Thank you Braden counseling for your great works!
            Cody Bell
            Cody Bell
            23:02 21 Sep 22
            Dr.Braden is an incredible, sweet and motivating leader! I’m so blessed to have found her center to successfully get me through 10 years of care. Everyone should know if I overcame my many obstacles they can too! Work hard and put up a fight!
            Lisa Tegeler
            Lisa Tegeler
            00:19 29 Jul 22
            As an attorney, finding the right treatment center for my clients is critical to their success. I have been referring my clients to Braden Counseling for years. They are always hard working, professional, and accomodating.
            Brian Mirandola
            Brian Mirandola
            16:59 26 May 22
            I love my therapist at Braden, I always feel listened to and I look forward to my visits. All of the staff I've interacted with has been super friendly and helpful, and the environment is very calming. Best therapy center I have been to.
            Devon Buza
            Devon Buza
            15:25 25 Jun 21
            Very professional and they were extremely nice, I'm happy with my choice of going threw Braden counseling center for my classes!
            gage butts
            gage butts
            19:43 07 Feb 21
            Amazing place
            Ralph Burton
            Ralph Burton
            16:30 30 Jan 21
            Braden Counseling’s staff is outstanding! The counselor conducted herself in a very friendly, courteous, and professional manner. I was treated with dignity and respect. I was put at ease and the evaluation went smoothly, and efficiently. I would definitely recommend Braden Counseling for all of your personal needs.😊
            Gregory Link
            Gregory Link
            17:16 21 Jan 21
            Excellent first visit with Dr. Braden.
            Gary Duffett
            Gary Duffett
            21:18 19 Dec 20
            My son liked his first visit and is open to going back again.
            Veris Nicole
            Veris Nicole
            22:36 12 Oct 20
            Very friendly and welcoming staff. Highly recommend
            Jennifer Rosales
            Jennifer Rosales
            21:50 29 Jul 20
            I could not be more satisfied with braden counseling with thier help. Very patient with clients in crisis and need of thier help.
            randall nuckles
            randall nuckles
            15:12 09 Jul 20
            I truly got the help I needed here and I appreciate all the staff member for making it a comfortable environment to feel free to talk about what's on your mind and making sure you get the proper help you need.
            Majah’s Mayhem
            Majah’s Mayhem
            19:30 20 May 20
            Love the staff .. came here for help and they definitely made a point to take care of all my paper work I needed .. would highly recommend them mostly Nikki shes a great help with anything .. always so cheerfull here 🙂
            miguel tovar
            miguel tovar
            00:58 17 Dec 19
            All staff very nice, respectful, caring, patientWould definitely recommend
            Zack Newby
            Zack Newby
            01:23 18 Nov 19
            One word....AMAZING !Very Comprehensive and Professional service. I would Highly Recommend to any one in need.
            Joseph Perry
            Joseph Perry
            16:58 10 Jul 19
            Dr. Jane Braden was absolutely wonderful and help me though my whole dui process, made it easy and help me understand.thank you some much DR. Branden for everything, your the best !!!😜
            Sean Battersby
            Sean Battersby
            18:46 12 Mar 19
            Friendly staff, very professional and results driven
            Jeffrey Kerner
            Jeffrey Kerner
            13:53 01 Aug 17
            Caring staff. Dr Braden was extremely compassionate and supportive during a difficult time. Recommend to anyone!
            T Anderson
            T Anderson
            21:54 06 Apr 16
            Braden Counseling center has the finest professionals around. I'd highly recommend their services should a need arise.
            03:03 29 Mar 16
            Braden Counseling is amazing! Very kind, very friendly staff. Treated me as though I'd been family. I'd recommend them to anyone!
            Jessica jorgensen
            Jessica jorgensen
            22:34 24 Mar 16
            They have amazing staff. They listen and help out so much I would recommend them to anyone .
            Brad Jorgensen
            Brad Jorgensen
            22:33 24 Mar 16
            The staff is very welcoming and friendly and professional when you walk through the door!! I had been dealing with some anxiety for some time.... I am so glad I went to Braden counseling my first visit there I felt a sense of being welcomed and actually listened to!! Needless to say when I walked out the door I felt a weight off my shoulders I haven't felt in sometime!! So thank you to your wonderful staff!! I would highly recommend Braden counseling to anyone who is looking for a great counselor to talk with and help with your mental health!!
            Deborah Mccoy
            Deborah Mccoy
            19:00 24 Mar 16
            I was an emotional wreck when I first went. I was nervous and probably not making a lot of sense. The staff seemed to understand and immediately put me at ease. By the time I left, life just didn’t seem so bad. Thank you Braden Center for being there.
            Pam Pascolini
            Pam Pascolini
            15:57 24 Mar 16
            The staff is friendly and courteous. I was amazed at how helpful they were. These people are top notch and very professional. I would highly recommend this office.
            Tricia Hernandez
            Tricia Hernandez
            15:45 24 Mar 16
            Braden Counseling Center has always been wonderful. Their front staff is very kind and helpful and Dr. Braden is nothing but professional during all encounters I have had with her. Their facility and staff care about providing quality services to their clients. I highly recommend them.
            Amanda Poturalski
            Amanda Poturalski
            13:56 24 Mar 16
            Would give this place more then 5 stars if I could. I Highly recommend them. Staff is amazing there and so helpful .
            Master Shake
            Master Shake
            21:57 23 Mar 16
            I highly recommend Braden Counseling. All the staff there is amazing and very sweet 🙂
            Melissa Stathis
            Melissa Stathis
            21:48 23 Mar 16
            Highly recommend this place. Very helpful and always courteous. Ms. Rogers is the best and has excellent skills with people to help them through a multitude of problems.
            Sarah Schuyler
            Sarah Schuyler
            20:37 23 Mar 16
            Amazing place! The counselors have helped me through some of my lowest points & the girl at the front desk, Cindy, is always super helpful, kind & courteous. Highly recommend!!!
            Jennifer Alexander
            Jennifer Alexander
            19:54 23 Mar 16