What Is Counseling?

What Is Counseling?

Around 21.6% of American adults were receiving mental health treatment in 2021. This was a significant rise to previous years.

One of the most common forms of mental health treatment is counseling. Most Americans will find themselves in a counselor’s office at some point, whether for an evaluation or long-term treatment.

Professional Counseling Explained

Counseling is a form of talk therapy. This means a patient sits with a trained therapist to discuss their problems and work towards solutions.

Counselors receive special training to guide patients through these challenges. Then, the counselor and patient identify goals for the patient to work towards, and they’ll revise these as needed.

It’s common for patients to receive “homework” during counseling. This refers to the work they have to put in toward their goals outside of therapy. The counselor will make sure the patient is armed with the right tools and techniques to do this.

Types of Counseling

Counseling focuses on the patient and their problems. But these problems can be categorized, and the approach in counseling is tailored to the context of these problems.

Some of the many types of counseling include:

  • Relationship counseling
  • Career counseling
  • Trauma counseling
  • Drug, alcohol, or rehabilitation counseling
  • Sex therapy
  • Grief counseling
  • Counseling for mood disorders like depression, anxiety, etc.

Counselors can use a few different types of therapy to tackle these issues.

Counselors also offer evaluations. This means spending a session (or more) with a counselor where they make an assessment based on specific criteria. Then, if you match the requirements for something (e.g., ADHD or depression), they can diagnose you with it.

There are also different formats for counseling. For example, while most people consider counseling one-on-one, it’s typical for couples, families, and groups to receive counseling too.

Click here to find our complete list of counseling services.

The Clear Benefits of Counseling

Counseling is a powerful tool in mental health treatment. Not only does it help you identify the problems in your life, but it helps you get to the root cause and create goals to address this.

Patients can use the tools and techniques learned in counseling to navigate better and make changes in their lives.

Counseling is also a vital step in other forms of therapy too.

If a patient’s condition requires medical intervention, access to that medication usually requires a diagnosis. A therapist will assist in making the right recommendations if it is determined the patient would benefit from medication.

Explore How Counseling Can Improve Your Life

With so many different types of counseling available, it’s easy to find what’s right for you.

Whether you need help navigating a tough life, have a condition requiring long-term therapy, or need a diagnosis to access care, counseling can support you.

Contact us to get in touch with a skilled counselor. We’re ready to help you improve your life.