Top 5 Common Signs That You May Need Anger Management Counseling

Top 5 Common Signs That You May Need Anger Management Counseling

Statistics state that approximately 1 in 5 people struggle to manage their anger. It may be difficult for you to know if you are one of those who struggle with anger health issues. If you are unsure if you have a problem, you may hesitate to get the anger management counseling you need. Here are the top five common signs of anger to be mindful for.

1. Duration of Anger

The types of anger are often the same as the causes of anger. Anger looks different depending on what causes you to become angry. Common triggers include the following:

  • Stress
  • Pain
  • Sadness
  • Frustration
  • Fear or anxiety
  • Grief
  • Interpersonal conflict

It is fine if you have some difficulty with anger after you face these triggers. But your anger should not last too long.

Do you get angry early in the morning and stay angry all day? If so, you may have a significant anger issue.

2. Passive-Aggressiveness

It is challenging to define passive aggressiveness as anger. When most people think about an angry person, they picture someone violent. But people do not always express their anger with direct violent actions.

People can express their anger differently. Some might act and speak violently. Others may perform actions that are more passive and subtle. Examples include muttering to oneself loud enough so the intended target can hear, inappropriate use of sarcasm, denial of a problem when confronted, and generally appearing cooperative while purposely doing things to annoy and disrupt the intended target.

Does your anger cause you to misplace your family member’s keys after you argue with them? Do you purposely forget their birthday? If you perform too many passive-aggressive actions, you may have an issue with anger.

3. Blatant Aggressiveness

People can act violently when they are angry. The problem is that different forms of violence can cause various levels of destruction (e.g., throwing objects, punching walls, physical altercations). People may think they are “fine” if they do not break things when angry because they demonstrate it in other ways.

Loud shouting can be psychologically harmful, so do not excuse your anger if you express it by shouting. Other examples of aggressive behavior include deliberately humiliating others, conveying threats and rude statements, interrupting frequently during conversation, and even having intimidating body language. A reminder that any form of aggressiveness can be a sign of severe anger issues.

4. Blaming Others

Highly angry people often cannot look inwardly and realize that a problem was their fault. They usually blame others for their issues; thereby, taking little-to-no accountability for their actions. For example, they may think a failure at work is the fault of a coworker rather than their poor performance.

If you have a habit of blaming others, you may be dealing with anger issues.

5. Overreacting

Do the smallest problems in your life cause you to blow up? If so, it’s probably difficult for you to regulate your anger. Anger management counseling can help you control how you react to difficult situations through distress tolerance strategies and calming techniques.

Get Anger Management Counseling

Have you realized that you have anger health issues? If so, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Many people deal with anger issues, and getting anger management counseling shows you are brave and strong.

If you need a place to get anger management treatment, try Braden Counseling Center. We offer counseling in many forms, including group, couple, and individual services. Get more information by filling out this form.