The substance abuse programs that we have at our DeKalb, IL location have been designed as peaceful settings, allowing for individualized attention from our counselors. The goal at Braden Counseling Center is to set you on a path towards a more productive life. We aim to teach you the skills to make your life more manageable.
Services offered through our DeKalb, IL substance abuse counseling sessions include:
- Domestic Violence
- Driver’s License Reinstatement
- C.A.L.M.
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Individual
- Couples
- Family
What Our Substance Abuse Treatment Offers You
Often, personality traits play a big role in how one handles the pressures of life. In situations that can become overwhelming, when there is little to no help from others, the best alternative may seem to be turning to substances. However, this becomes unhealthy and addictive very quickly.
While we do offer DUI services, our substance abuse treatment program can do a lot more for you than help you in court. The treatment you will receive will be beneficial in many ways. The aim is to help you attain the skills necessary for moving away from harmful behaviors.
Let’s Chat!
When coming out of one of the treatment programs we offer at Braden Counseling Center, people often feel as overwhelmed as when they began, but in an entirely positive way. The substance abuse counselors we have in DeKalb, IL will help you with continuing your treatment programs.
There are always challenges to be met, especially after having sought counseling for substance abuse problems. No one wants to backslide. While not a guarantee, our substance abuse programs are designed to prevent that from happening again, especially through those initial difficult weeks and months.
What is Substance Abuse?
Substance abuse is another name for drug or alcohol abuse. It can often lead to addiction and some level of dependency. Once you have reached this level, daily life becomes more of a struggle than it needs to be. Substance abuse typically leads to a breakdown, not only in oneself, but in family relationships, work, and school obligations. Other typical consequences include arrests, convictions, incarceration, and other legal difficulties.
Most of the time, people cannot do it alone, and asking for help from family and friends may come with more obligations than the individual can handle at that moment.
The counseling services we have at Braden Counseling Center can address all of these problems because we are all about helping people put their lives back on track.
How Substance Abuse is Handled
At our treatment center, you will undergo substance abuse evaluation by one of our certified counselors in DeKalb, IL. All of our counselors are trained, knowledgeable, and licensed by the state of Illinois to correctly evaluate and diagnose a substance disorder.
The assessment process gathers all of your information for the counselor to evaluate. This will include information from family and friends, provided you have given permission. After the assessment process, we will work with you to set a clear goal that will improve your life.
Our experts will examine your life, and we will pay attention to your expectations. Armed with this information, new objectives can start to emerge. This process will start to become an effective treatment plan for you.
At our DeKalb, IL branch, in order for your substance abuse assessment to be successful, you will need to be as honest with your counselors as possible. In order to move your life forward to a place of comfort and well-being, you will need to trust your substance abuse counselor to know all there is to know about you. Our experience and expertise will facilitate this process.
To provide effective, customized treatment, our team will evaluate many facets of your situation, including:
- Past treatment history
- Your preferences
- Medication history
- Family history
- Belief systems
- Physical health
- Employment history
- Education
- Legal difficulties

If there is anything outside of these areas that you think your counselor should know, he or she will want to hear from you.
We know that there is nothing pretty about owning up to past wrongdoings, but it is essential for creating a treatment plan that will work for you. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Your substance abuse treatment options will be designed for you on an individual basis.
Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment in DeKalb, IL
One of the services we offer is substance abuse treatment and education that is catered toward those who choose to remain as outpatients. It also works for those who are coming off inpatient treatment and are readjusting to their new life. The counselors at Braden Counseling Center know how the world can be full of triggers that threaten to put people back at square one again. Therefore, our goal is to see you stay on the corrected course that you have developed with your counselor.
Outpatient substance abuse counseling is determined through a clinical assessment to determine the program best suited to your needs. An Outpatient Program can and should be started to address your situation immediately.
Outpatient treatment is all about meeting in small, weekly group therapy sessions. Individual therapy is added if necessary. Nobody wants to see a patient returning to old, destructive behaviors, so all of our outpatient programs are customized for each patient’s situation.
You will be establishing a foundation of long-term recovery support. Recovery from one or more substances can take months, and sometimes even years, to achieve. No matter if you find yourself transitioning from inpatient care, or if you are seeking treatment while living at home, the substance abuse programs in our DeKalb, IL office will walk you through all of the steps that you need to get to that successful conclusion.
How We Can Help You
In just the last ten years, millions of people have used an illicit drug. Drug-related deaths in the U.S., and globally, continue to rise. Some of this is related to alcohol abuse, but the majority concerns other drugs. We are determined that fewer people become part of these statistics.
Let the substance abuse counselors at Braden Counseling Center help you today. There is a better life out there, and we look forward to helping you reach it. Contact our team today.