Part of being human is being vulnerable. Life pre-COVID wasn’t paradise, but many people were coping and getting on with life’s challenges. During the past 18 months though, it’s been a different story for thousands of people throughout the world.
Would you believe in the U.S alone, symptoms of depression have tripled? It seems people at risk the most are those with economic pressures, stress related to work, and struggling relationships. Depression screening is an effective way of identifying if someone is suffering from depression.
In this article, our depression counselors in Sycamore will talk you through some of the basic details of depression screening and how it may help you. Often, people with depression struggle to help themselves, don’t be a victim of yourself, make sure you take action soon.
What is Depression Screening?
It’s a safe tool that you can use to self-assess whether you have symptoms of depression. It’s not definitive, and it’s not a diagnosis, but it’s a good start, and can flag feelings that you may have been trying to ignore.
One of the advantages of this type of tool is that it doesn’t need to involve anyone else if you don’t want it to. You can make a start by using some of the online tools that ask you to answer a series of questions. Depending on your responses, you might be prompted to seek further help.
Symptoms of Depression
Depression screening seeks to identify some of the key symptoms associated with depression. Feelings of hopelessness, low energy and fatigue, difficulty sleeping, decreased appetite, and a lack of enthusiasm for things that you normally enjoy around Sycamore are all examples.
Everyone experiences some of these feelings from time to time, so the challenge is determining if this is a passing phase of life or whether there is an underlying depressive disorder. Screening tools are qualified constructed and validated through research to improve their predictive ability.
Obstacles to Getting Help
The healthcare community recognizes there are common obstacles that often hold people back from getting help. You may recognize some of these in yourself. The stigma associated with mental health issues is very common, and we may even be guilty of it ourselves.
Denial, problems with trust, and low energy are all factors that can prevent people from getting the help they need. Engaging with a screening tool is low effort and low impact and can be an effective way to get the ball rolling.
Help for Depression
We might feel there is very little that can be done to help. Be aware that in itself can be a symptom. Check out the range of counseling services we offer in Sycamore and our other locations and you will see how much help is on hand.
Getting started with depression screening may help to identify another therapeutic need we’ve never considered before. The important thing about screening is that we are acknowledging we may need help in some way.
Reclaim a Happy Life in Sycamore
In this article, you’ve read about depression screening, what it is, and how it may help you get onto the road to a better life in Sycamore. Think back to a time when you were happy. You can be happy again, but you’ve got to be willing to do something about it.
Reaching out for help takes courage but you’ll see there are people who genuinely care and will fully support you. Get in touch here and let’s start to talk, you’ll feel better for it.