People turn to substance abuse for many reasons. It could be the result of falling on hard times, or a way of coping with past traumas and experiences. Whatever the reason, substance abuse is typically the beginning of a downward spiral. Once caught up in it, it is very difficult to find a way out without help.
At Braden Counseling Center, we offer group counseling on an outpatient basis for those that have been suffering from substance abuse for Geneva clients. This is an essential, ongoing treatment plan, and requires our clients to put effort and energy into an inpatient rehabilitation course.
Each substance abuse counselor serving our Geneva, IL clients is trained to give their clients the help and support they need to prevent them from relapsing in the future.
Evaluating the Individual
At a substance abuse evaluation, a certified and trained counselor serving our Geneva, IL clients takes each client on a case-by-case basis. This means that each person’s situation is evaluated individually, allowing us to recommend the best treatment for them. We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different, and that there cannot be a “one size fits all” approach.
Our assessment is based on information-gathering from the client, and their friends and family, with permission. The aspects we take into consideration are your current life situation, expectations, and aspirations in regard to your treatment plan.
Substance abuse assessment only works when the client is honest, something that the counselors serving our Geneva, IL clients need from everyone we treat. The more information given, the better we can assess our client’s life and goals.
We understand that talking openly about substance abuse is hard, but it is also necessary if we are to ensure success.
Once we know the situation at hand, we can start creating a treatment plan that gives the client essential life tools to continue with their recovery.
Outpatient Treatment for Substance Abuse
The substance abuse programs for our Geneva, IL clients are centered around each individual. They focus on providing them with skills to manage their substance abuse, and its associated challenges.
This program is particularly useful for those that have already completed an inpatient program, and require ongoing support to ensure they do not relapse.
Usually, those that have suffered from substance abuse have to change their whole way of life. This includes avoiding triggers that could set them down the wrong path once again. We understand that this requires great commitment and strength, and we aim to provide the right environment and support to help.
Our program helps clients recognize those triggers and learn to avoid or ignore them successfully. It aids clients in re-engaging with the world in a productive and healing way.
This support system is vital for clients that have invested so much into their recovery. It allows them to continue the amazing work they have already put into their health and well-being.
Outpatient Counseling for Substance Abuse
Our substance abuse counseling services also offers effective treatment for those that do not require an inpatient recovery program for Geneva, IL. This program is ideal for clients that have already completed inpatient treatment and require ongoing support.
All individuals entering this program will undergo a clinical assessment to determine whether or not it is suitable for them, or if a different course of action might be more effective.
Treatment options will be discussed during an intake session. We will offer recommendations, including the possibility of professional detox, if we deem it necessary for the immediate situation.
This intensive outpatient program consists of intimate weekly group therapy sessions. Each week a different topic is introduced, including:
- Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
- How to prevent relapse
- Urges and cravings management
- Learning about the brain chemistry of addiction
- Addiction disease progression
- Introduction to the Twelve Steps
- Spirituality
- Stages of change
- Co-occurring disorders and their effects on addiction and recovery
- Family education program
Substance Abuse Treatment for DUI Charges
Substance abuse treatment for our Geneva, IL clients centers around risk education for all levels of DUI treatment. There are different categories of treatment that can result from an individual’s evaluation:
Level 1– Risk education is an initial ten-hour course held at the Sycamore, Elgin, and Rochelle centers. Attendees must start on week 1, and attend all four 2.5-hour classes in order to successfully complete it.
Level IIM– The client must undergo risk education for10 hrs, and early intervention for 12 hrs
Level IIS– This includes risk education for 10 hrs, substance abuse treatment for 20 hrs, and an After-Care Program.
Level III– You will undergo intensive treatment or 75 hrs, and an After-Care Program.
Focusing on Long-Term Recovery
All our programs are designed to pave the way for long-term recovery. None of our treatment is “quick-fix,” and should not be considered as such. It is our goal to arm each client with the skills necessary to rebuild their lives and enter back into society without the fear of relapsing, or going back to old, harmful habits. This includes enhancing their support network, by re-establishing important family relationships, and building bridges where other relationships have broken down.
Getting in Touch
If you suffer from substance abuse, or know someone who does, get in touch with us at Braden Counseling Center to see how we can aid the path to recovery.
Do not suffer in silence or feel that there is no help out there for you. At the Braden Couneling Center, we aim to help get our clients back in control of their own lives and look forward to a happy and prosperous future.
Learn how we can make that happen for you by getting in touch with us for a free initial consultation today.