Welcome to SMART Recovery®, a science-based addiction recovery support group—where participants learn selfempowering techniques to aid their recovery through mutual-help face-to-face and online meetings and services. No matter what your addiction, SMART Recovery® tools and techniques can help you overcome the behavior.

How Does SMART Recovery® Work?
SMART Recovery® uses tools based on scientifi cally-proven methods for addiction recovery such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy and motivational interviewing.
The SMART Recovery® 4-Point Program
- Building and Maintaining Motivation
- Coping with Urges
- Managing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
- Living a Balanced Life
Some of the tools used in the program are outlined to the right in “Some Specifics.”
What Makes SMART Recovery® Different?
SMART Recovery® advocates choice, so that those seeking recovery can choose what works best for them from a variety of options.
The SMART Recovery® goal is for you to achieve a healthy, positive and balanced lifestyle and to “graduate” when you feel your addictive behavior is behind you, not to remain a permanent participant in the program. Upon graduation, many SMART participants volunteer as meeting facilitators or in another capacity to help “pay forward” the gains they achieved.
When Can I Start?
TODAY! Visit the SMART Recovery® website for introductory information, slide shows and videos, articles, meeting locations, online meetings, chat sessions, discussion message boards and much more. All the tools are there for you to explore. And . . . it’s all FREE.
SMART Meetings
SMART Recovery® conducts face-to-face meetings in locations around the world, plus daily online meetings. Click the “Meetings” link on the SMART Recovery® website for times and places most convenient for you.
Some Specifics
Here are some of SMART Recovery® tools that can help you in your recovery journey:
CHANGE PLAN WORKSHEET: This is a chart in which you list your goals, how you will attain them, the ways in which you will overcome obstacles and challenges, etc. The very process of completing a Change Plan Worksheet will clarify both your goals and the roadblocks to attaining them.
COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS: Often called “CBA,” this tool is especially useful for increasing your motivation to abstain from your addictive behavior.
The ABC’s of REBT: This tool from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, founded by Dr. Albert Ellis, helps identify our irrational beliefs, which in turn lead to poor consequences.
DISARM(Destructive Imagery and Self-talk Awareness and Refusal Method): This tool exposes the thoughts and images which urge us to pursue our addiction as inaccuracies, excuses and rationalizations.
BRAINSTORMING: This technique is often used in face-toface and online meetings. A participant introduces a question or problem. Other participants then offer ideas and/or suggestions without any judgment involved.
ROLE-PLAYING/REHEARSING: This tool is used mostly in groups. An example would be rehearsing how to avoid addictive behavior at a wedding or other high-risk upcoming event with group members playing various roles.