Read through the Quick Assessment to the Right. It lists some of the common struggles many parents face. Do you recognize any as challenges you have or have had? These and many more can be resolved through counseling. Know you are not alone. Parenting is a challenging adventure, and if you look at it in that way, it can change the perspective you have about doing it. There are also some logical rules and some basic behavioral principles that can help make parenting fun again.

Actively parenting takes less energy when you feel prepared. Counseling can help you increase you skill base and your feelings of competence. The actions and words you use influence your children in powerful ways, some of which you may not be aware of. As children age, the challenges raising them change also. The things they are exposed to are always changing, from crossing the street to involvement with the internet.

If you are having a problem with your child or children we can help. The principles we share help to regain order and peace in your home, and build relationships between family members. We can show you how you can have close relationships with your children throughout their growing up years. You can teach respect, and receive it from your children.

At times it is important to let children learn from their mistakes. The challenge is finding the natural consequences for mistakes that are not harmful. When parameters can be set up that leads children to want to do things it can go a long way. There are things we all want. There are few adults who would not work if they weren’t compensated. It works similarly for children however it takes some education to help them realize their “compensation” for helping with chores around the house is a cleaner house, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. Their ability to learn these concepts as children will help when they are adults.

Sometimes, the “compensation” (also known as positive reinforcement) could also include other things, such as candy, a gaming console, a finger board or any other gift. It is a process where rewards are used to encourage a child’s behavior. To show gratitude for your kid helping around the house and completing their tasks on time, you may want to consider gifting them. For example, you could buy a drum kit for your child if they seem to be showing an interest in learning how to play it. If you are confused about which one to buy, you can take a look at websites such as Music Lowdown to help you make a wise decision. These Drum Kits and other instruments can ignite a musical spark in your kids, which could help them develop a new skill.

It is important to let children to express how they feel, even if it makes you as a parent uncomfortable. Learning to appropriately express emotions is critical as children and they need your help. If you need help staying firm when they are unhappy with a requirement, or teaching them to express themselves, reach out for that education. Their ability to learn that unhappy feelings are normal, and will set a foundation for more complex emotional situations.

It is important for children to learn you still love them when they misbehave or act inappropriately. Separating between the deed, and the one who did the deed, is an important skill to learn as a parent, and equally important to share with your children.

Challenges arise with different parenting styles, or parenting with divorced/remarried parents. This can lead to an increased level of stress within the home, as well as between the parents. Research has shown that parental stress has a significant impact on the adjustment and functioning of children. Finding ways to come to an agreement, to reduce the stress and parent the children consistently will benefit all involved. One of the greatest, but most important challenges with divorce is working through the anger at the other spouse and creating a business relationship rather than an emotional relationship. We already know the emotional relationship didn’t work.

We have experienced staff to help you with your children, regardless of their ages. Parenting at every age has different challenges and we understand them. Let us help you enjoy parenting, and your children more than you are. You deserve it, and they do as well.

Quick Assessment

  1. How do I get my child to do chores?
  2. How do I get my child to do better in school?
  3. How do I get my child to get along better with peers?
  4. What do I do when my child will not obey?
  5. What do I do when my child sneaks out?
  6. My child is picked on at school, what can I do?
  7. My child may be sexually active, what can I do?
  8. My child does his / her homework but does not turn it in. How do you fix that?
  9. My children fight constantly. How can I get them to get along better?
  10. My child is afraid to sleep in her own bed. How do I get her to sleep in her own room?
  11. My child lies constantly, even when the truth would sound better. What is that about?
  12. My child is going to start dating. What do I need to look out for to keep her safe?
  13. My adult child has moved back home. How do I talk to an adult child about the rules in the house now?