At Braden Counseling Center, we are committed to providing you with the best possible care that you can receive. Our motto is “New Ways for Better Days,” which means that we are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure your tomorrow is better than your yesterday. During your initial appointment, typically a 60-90 minute session, your counselor will talk with you about the challenges you are facing, and the goals you would like to reach. We will attempt to delve into your past experiences to try and find reasons why things are the way they are in the present. Counseling is for all ages, and clients are able to bring their significant others, though it is not mandatory.
Mental Health Counseling Services
One area that our team specializes in is mental health counseling. Unfortunately, mental health disorders have not been taken as seriously as they should for a very long time. However, as the years go by, more and more people understand the importance of mental health counseling. Our trained professionals have worked with clients suffering from a variety of disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, chronic medical illness, as well as depression counseling. Your counselor will listen to your concerns and treat your symptoms with the severity and care that it deserves. Finally, they will provide you with the coping mechanisms so you can begin to feel better one day at a time.
Treatment for Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar disorder treatment, in particular, can be extremely challenging. The first step is making a proper diagnosis and understanding the manic highs and depressing lows associated with being bipolar. If a bipolar disorder is misdiagnosed, the problems can only get worse. Often, it can be confused with depression, anxiety, OCD, personality disorder, or even ADHD. At Braden Counseling Center, we can help manage your symptoms, and in turn, help you manage your life. Typically, through a combination of counseling and/or medication, bipolar disorder is very manageable.
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DUI Counseling and Evaluations
Another area that BCC specializes in is DUI counseling. For many people, when they receive a DUI, they are ordered by the court to undergo an evaluation and treatment. Through alcohol counseling, our team is able to help people understand the dangers that come with alcohol consumption. Those that have been ordered to undergo this treatment are not able to go through with driver’s license reinstatement until this program is completed.
Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment
Alcohol is not the only drug that people can become dependent on. Substance abuse counseling and treatment is an important process through which we help our clients navigate through the dangerous journey to sobriety. Both alcohol and substance abuse treatment can be out-patient, and our counselors will educate you the how to face the challenges that will come with being out in the world and resisting your temptations. Our number one goal with both alcohol and substance abuse treatment is to help you prevent relapse, and long-term recovery support so you can get your life, and family, back together.
Counseling and Treatment for Domestic Violence
BCC also specializes in domestic violence counseling. Through our Partner Abuse Intervention Program (P.A.I.P.), we have helped a number of clients that have engaged in, or have been accused of, violence against loved ones within their home. We pledge to help get to the root of the problem and begin the process of long-term change. We understand that oftentimes domestic violence is a learned behavior, and that most people that abuse were also abused themselves at a younger age. Through conflict resolution techniques, and an emphasis on communication, we help our clients unlearn the behavior that has haunted them, possibly their whole lives. Whether the violence is physical, emotional, or psychological, our experienced team of domestic violence counselors can help.
One example of how we are committed to our motto of doing what it takes to help our clients have a better future is through EMDR therapy. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a highly structured treatment plan that is designed to help people facing trauma to be able to focus on their memories with bilateral stimulation. This is done through rapid eye movements and has been shown to help reduce emotions associated with the memory, and how vivid the trauma is in the client’s memory. EMDR therapy can be used to treat a number of different disorders but is normally used for PTSD.
Trauma Informed Therapy and PTSD Counseling
At Braden Counseling, we also have team members who are trained in treating issues associated with trauma. Trauma Informed Counseling (TIC) is a treatment plan that emphasizes listening, understanding, and empathy. Trauma focused therapy does a great job of helping clients feel like they are not just a statistic, and that their problems are being heard and taken seriously. Instead of feeling like something is wrong with them, our counselors will ask what happened to them, which helps them feel as their problems are real and not their fault, instead of feeling like they are a burden on their loved ones. Trauma is a complex feeling, which is why it is a difficult thing to process. By providing a safe environment in which to speak, trauma therapy is the perfect way for people to learn coping mechanisms in a healthy way. Our trauma counselors will build a rapport with you and find the best way for the healing process to begin.

Braden Counseling Center is committed to helping our clients find a way to deal with their problems, especially when they have felt that all hope is lost. Our individual counseling services are designed to connect our counselors and clients in a way that can develop trust, understanding, and find the best treatment plan for each person that comes through our doors. Contact us today.
We offer individual counseling services in Bartlett, Sycamore, North Aurora, Rochelle, Elgin, and Oregon.