Identifying and Leaving a Toxic Relationship

Some relationships break down and end. There are a lot of reasons this can happen.

Couples stop communicating well, or at all. One partner advances personally or professionally, while the other does not. Something causes a breakdown in trust, which undermines everything else.

Many of these relationships might prove salvageable with proper help, but not every relationship is worth saving. Toxic relationships harm one partner almost exclusively. Here are some tips on identifying and leaving a toxic relationship.

Identifying a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships hover in this weird middle ground between a relationship that needs work, and an abusive relationship. That means you must pay special attention to the warning signs of toxicity.

One sign you should always watch out for is the partner who does or says things that undermine your self-esteem. For example, they may say something cruel every time you get a new haircut or try out new makeup.

Other signs of a toxic relationship can include:

  • Controlling behavior
  • Power imbalances
  • Manipulative behaviors
  • Ignoring your priorities
  • Borderline abuse

In short, if your relationship leaves you feeling worse about you, your life, or your future, it’s probably toxic.

Leaving a Toxic Relationship

Leaving a toxic relationship can prove difficult. The emotional damage done can leave you feeling less capable of surviving in the world by yourself.

Reach out and discuss the situation with friends and family members. Tell them your plans for ending the relationship. You may find someone willing to let you come live with them to speed up the process.

If you are part of a marital communion, know that the process needs to be dealt with legally. Seek the help of one of the reputed Family Law Phoenix Attorneys (if that’s where you reside) to understand your legal rights and obligations. Make sure you have a safe place to go before taking any steps towards leaving the relationship. Decide what items you need to take with you and plan for a new start.

As far as possible, store away money ahead of time. You’ll likely need money for a new place. Plus, furnishing even a small apartment always costs more than you expect. Once you make the move, break all the lines of communication with your ex-partner. If necessary, due to abuse, get a restraining order.

Healing from a Toxic Relationship

Healing from a toxic relationship takes time. Give yourself a break from relationships while you process what happened and why you ended up in a toxic relationship.

For relationships that verged into abuse, however, you should consider professional counseling. Counseling can help you sort through any guilt, rebuild self-esteem, and even show you where your ex manipulated you.

Moreover, counseling equips individuals with strategies to manage trust issues that may persist and offers guidance in identifying healthy future partners. For those seeking additional emotional support, the option to apply for an emotional support animal adds another layer of comfort and companionship. The Emotional Support Animal Letter, obtained through the appropriate channels, recognizes the therapeutic benefits of having an emotional support animal, further enhancing the emotional healing process. This letter also grants individuals the ability to bring their emotional support animal to public places, such as airports, restaurants,

Parting Thoughts on Leaving a Toxic Relationship

Spotting and leaving a toxic relationship is not always as clear cut as it sounds. What makes a relationship toxic can vary from couple to couple.

With that said, manipulative, abusive, and controlling behaviors almost always indicate a toxic relationship. Relationships with a big power imbalance can often slide in a toxic direction.

Lean on close friends and family for emotional support when you leave. Shore up your finances ahead of time to make moving easier. Once you get out, cut your ex out of your life as completely as possible.

Have you recently left a toxic or abusive relationship and need some extra support? Braden Counseling Center offers a full range of counseling services. Contact us today to see if we’re a good fit for you.