Recent statistics tell us that around 30% of driving fatalities stem from driving under the influence of alcohol.
In this light, it’s understandable that you could be in for severe consequences if you’re caught driving while impaired. The only way out is to attend therapy or rehabilitation for your crime.
These are some of the types of therapy available to help you get on the road to recovery.
The Ins and Outs of Addiction Treatment
If your DUI evaluation shows that you have a drug or alcohol problem, you’ll need to do something about it.
There are two main treatment options for addicts. These are inpatient and outpatient therapy.
During inpatient therapy, you remain at the treatment center 24/7 for several weeks or months. During this time, you’ll receive intensive counseling and take part in group activities.
This is an effective, but expensive and often impractical, solution for many addicts.
Alternatively, outpatient treatment offers different therapy options according to your needs. Your treatment takes place at a time that’s convenient for you.
Four Main Types of Therapy for Substance Abusers
Intensive outpatient treatment is most useful in helping addicts to live productive lives once again. It’s often used to ease the transition between inpatient treatment and normal daily life.
There are four main schools of thought on substance abuse counseling:
Psychodynamic Therapy
This type of therapy helps patients to delve into their subconscious and understand the reasons for their behavior.
Once the patient uncovers these deep-rooted feelings of anger and resentment, they can learn to deal with them and move on.
Humanistic Therapies
Unlike psychodynamic therapy, this type of treatment focuses on the here and now as well as conscious thoughts. The aim of this therapy is for the patient to take control of their own life by way of self-acceptance and mindfulness.
Behavioral Therapy
Together with cognitive behavioral therapy, this is one of the most effective and widely used treatments.
With this approach, patients learn to identify false emotions like fear and anxiety and master skills to combat them.
Usually, a combination of two or more of the above counseling services works best for coping with substance abuse. Family sessions and group sessions are also most helpful. They establish a support system for the addict and preventing relapse.
Pharmaceutical Interventions
It might seem counterproductive to use drugs to combat drug and alcohol addiction, but it can be effective.
Pharmaceuticals can help to reduce the withdrawal symptoms that send addicts scurrying back to their drug of choice. Drugs like Antabuse may deter you from drinking alcohol too.
Unfortunately, this kind of treatment is rarely effective in the long run or on its own. Some form of counseling is always necessary for success.
Whichever option your counselor adopts, you need to follow their recommendations for as long as you want to stay clean and sober.
Get Your Life Back
Are you struggling with addiction or dealing with the trauma of a DUI conviction? You can’t figure out what types of therapy are best on your own.
Get in touch and we’ll figure it all out for you and guide you on the path to a better life.