How Can Trauma Informed Therapy Help?

EMDR and Trauma Informed Therapy

According to studies, more than 18% of adults in the US experience some form of anxiety disorder during their lifetime. These disorders range from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), phobias, to even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Luckily, there are different treatment plans that can help those suffering to overcome some of these conditions. One of these is trauma-informed therapy.

Let’s take a closer look at what trauma-informed therapy is, and also share some key benefits of this type of therapy.

What is Trauma Informed Therapy?

Trauma-informed care works by identifying trauma as an important factor in the symptoms you experience on a psychological and physical level. This trauma can be hidden from you, but manifest itself in all aspects of your life, including your dreams. If you’re having dreams about trauma, it might be due to possible hidden disturbances in your life. Understanding them correctly could help you get closer to identifying your trauma, and seeking further help. The goal of this type of therapy is to understand the connection between the trauma and the way you react to it.

Your trauma informed therapist will then provide you with the right strategy to better cope with the effects your trauma has on you. Over time, you will develop a healthier meaning of the experience that took place in your life.

The Benefits of Trauma Informed Therapy

Here are three of the top benefits of trauma informed therapy:

  1. Identifying Triggering Activities and Scenarios

Oftentimes, people who experience trauma react erratically to certain situations. These outbursts happen because something or someone triggers a negative feeling that reminds them of the trauma.

Trauma informed therapy helps you identify these triggers so that you can better cope with them.

  1. Developing Coping Mechanisms

When a scenario triggers an emotion linked to a trauma, a person can experience negative physical and emotional symptoms. These can display themselves as:

  • Panic attacks
  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • Anxiety
  • Paleness
  • Vomiting

Research also suggests that traumatic stress can lead to depression when it interferes with a person’s daily routine.

A trauma therapist will help you develop the right coping mechanisms so that you respond better to reminders of the traumatic event affecting you. These coping mechanisms often include relaxation techniques and anxiety management.

  1. Decreasing Symptoms of Traumatic Stress

The ultimate aim of trauma informed care is to decrease the symptoms of traumatic stress. During your sessions, you will work closely with your therapist to not only learn, but practice the skills that will help decrease your symptoms.

By coping with your triggers, you will experience a decrease in:

  • Anxiety
  • Dissociation
  • Intrusive symptoms like nightmares and flashbacks

In some instances, people experience guilt or shame from their trauma. Trauma informed therapy can also help alleviate these feelings. In turn, this can help you regain some of the confidence you may have lost during the traumatic event.

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy to treat a number of disorders, particularly those associated with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). This form of therapy focuses directly on the specific memory, to change the way the memory is stored in the brain. The intention is to systematically reduce the traumatic memory until it dims, and problematic symptoms are eliminated. When successful, it alters the emotions, thoughts, and responses that result from the traumatic experience.

Always Work with a Trained and Experienced Professional

If you experienced trauma that you’re struggling to cope with, it’s essential that you work with a trained professional. Unfortunately, there is no way to identify a trained trauma therapist. To start, you can ask them about their specialties. You can also ask them about their experience working with trauma patients.

At Braden Counseling Center, our motto is “New Ways for Better Days”. We want to help you feel better one day at a time. We offer trauma informed therapy, as well as PTSD counseling, to help you cope with the experiences causing your negative symptoms.

To find out more about our services, contact us today.