One of the hardest things for a parent to go through is losing a child.
Grief can be overwhelming and debilitating for many people. Most counselors for depression agree, however, that it shows strength when you’re ready to begin the recovery process.
Are you trying to cope, but aren’t sure where to start? Whether you’re at that point or you’re just trying to figure out what to do next, learning about coping with loss is a good place to start.
If you’ve experienced the loss of a child in the Elgin area, we can help you get some insight into how to start coping with your grief.
Psychological Effects of Losing a Child
Losing a child is horrible for many reasons, but some parents don’t stop to think about how it impacts them psychologically. Understanding the emotions you’re feeling will help you learn how to cope.
One experience you may be going through is emotional numbness or shock. You might not be experiencing many emotions at all because your mind is trying to shield you from feeling too many things at one time.
You might also find that you’re having trouble remembering things or your mind is cloudy. For instance, you might be driving to work and suddenly forget where you’re going. This happens when your mind is trying to process your shock, and normal memory functions get put to the side to focus on everything else that is going on.
A couple may experience an extreme disruption in their marriage or partnership as well, leading to further emotional distress.
Some of the other psychological problems experienced include:
- Stress
- Depressive thoughts
- Anxious thoughts
- Trauma
- Cognitive distortions
- Suicidal thoughts
- Guilt or anger
Coping with Loss
There is no cure for the loss of a child. Nothing exists that will make the pain go away forever. However, it is possible to recover and continue life past this experience.
Grief is a normal, healthy response to loss. It is understandable that you will take a period of time to cope with this extreme loss.
Consider keeping a journal just for yourself. You can write about memories, your feelings, the things you see and experience around Elgin, or anything you’d like.
It could also be helpful to talk about the child that was lost or honor their memory. Say their name and acknowledge the death. If it feels comfortable, talk about any events celebrated with the child, such as birthdays, holidays, or developmental milestones.
Be sensitive to the feelings of others that loved your child as well, but also be sensitive to yourself. Give yourself the time you need to grieve. If you want to keep their memories alive in your heart, try getting a memorial made with one of their favorite items. Or, if you have their mortal remains, you can consider getting the ashes converted into cremation diamonds. By placing those diamonds in your necklace or your ring, you can keep the memories of your child close to yourself, always.
Apart from this, it may also be helpful for you to consider a support group when you’re ready to talk about your child with others in an open way.
Seeking Professional Counseling in Elgin
There is no prescribed pattern that your grief will follow, because everyone grieves in their own way. A well-trained counselor can help you process through each step of the journey and give you tools that you may need at various steps.
After a child’s death, there are different types of counseling that can be beneficial. You may consider couple’s counseling, family counseling, or individual counseling.
Each of these types of counseling has its own benefits, so consider discussing the options with a therapist and determining which may be the best course of action for you.
Surviving the Loss of a Child
If you’re trying to cope with the loss of a child, getting help from a trained mental health counselor in Elgin is a good step to take.
Counselors are trained to talk to people like you, even if it’s your first time in a counseling session. You can learn new ways to help yourself process and grieve, but also figure out a path toward recovery.
Are you interested in working with a counselor? If so, contact us today to learn more about making an appointment.