Geneva, IL Counseling for Depression at Braden Counseling Center
Understanding and treating depression is something that we take very seriously at Braden Counseling Center. Your health is important to us, and that includes your mental health. Our counselors can help you to restore your life to where you feel like you again, or maybe even better.
We all experience sadness and feelings of being down from time to time. It is a natural response to the often-overwhelming emotions that can flood our world on a daily basis. However, when emotions of worthlessness and sadness permeate to the very core and will not let go, it is time to seek help.
The local counselors for depression we have at our Geneva, IL office have helped many clients successfully, and they would love to sit down with you. Especially if you feel like you might be experiencing depression.
The counseling process is simple. The first step is to reach out to us to meet with one of our therapists. During your first session, you will talk and tell them about your life, its ups and downs, and what has led you to this session. This takes place in a confidential and safe environment
From there, your counselor will schedule ongoing sessions to get you the help you need. There is no need for further isolation or feelings of hopelessness. There are ways to recognize what is going on in your life, and successful therapies to turn you to a more peaceful path.
What is Depression?
Have you been experiencing any of these common symptoms?
- You don’t enjoy life anymore. You aren’t enjoying what you always held dear.
- There is little to no interest in seeing people or doing activities that once meant a lot to you.
- You’ve put on a lot of weight or have dropped a lot of pounds and your family and friends have noticed.
- You are having sleep difficulties. You feel as if you could sleep all day or you experience many sleepless nights.
- Your body movements feel as if they have slowed. This can lead to constant feelings of restlessness and agitation.
- You are carrying around guilt about an event or trauma.
- Concentrating or making decisions have become near impossible.
- You feel worthless. This can lead to heightened emotions where you find yourself crying all of the time.
- You have unexplained aches and pains all over your body.
- Your thoughts often turn to suicide or a belief that your life is not worth living. If you have strong and regular thoughts like these, we ask that you please call your local crisis center immediately.
Depression is real. It changes people’s behaviors and can make them feel numb. It can bring about fatigue, appetite changes, aches and pains, and many new, inexplicable feelings that were not there before.
If life feels overwhelming and out of control, it is time to contact the counselors for depression at our Geneva, IL office. Many times, depression seems to come out of nowhere, but there is always a cause, whether emotional, circumstantial, or chemical. Having mental health issues elsewhere in your family can make you more at risk of developing similar issues.
How Our Geneva, IL Counseling Center Can Help You
- A free initial consultation. Come in and speak with one of our counselors to hear what they recommend for you.
- Flexible scheduling.
- Counseling and medication services. We will determine which resources suit you best.
- Verification of your insurance. This way you know what to pay each visit.
- Cash and credit card payment options.
- Same-day DUI evaluations.
Once one or more of our counselors have accurately assessed your depression, they will get to work for you. We offer you the option of individual, couples, or family intervention.
Seeking alternative and effective behaviors can make all the difference for you. The goal of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) in particular is to replace destructive behaviors with new, constructive skills that will help you rebuild your self-esteem and your life.
You might find it easy to talk about your depression, but that is not the case for everyone. Children and teenagers act out differently, their depression manifesting through anger and irritability. Men often have trouble expressing emotions or they expect that they should keep them to themselves. This can lead to anger, substance or drug abuse, and aggression. Our depression counselors at our Geneva, IL center will show you or a family member how to recognize these emotions, and what to do about them.
At our depression counseling centers in Geneva, IL, we have an array of multidisciplinary clinical staff including licensed and/or certified counselors. They are qualified to help you find your way out of the darkness.
Through our therapy, you can learn new skills and tools to help you challenge every negative emotion and situation that comes your way. We can help you replace feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness with techniques that make your life easier and brighter.
Braden Counseling Center is here for you. If you live in Geneva, IL and are in need of counseling for depression and anxiety, do not let it rule your life any longer. Counseling is a life-changing experience. It will teach you new ways of coping, no matter what life throws your way.
Right now, you may be feeling lost. Our depression counselors in Geneva will help lead you back to the path of self-love and appreciation. Effective treatment could be counseling only, such as the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT, or it may involve medication for a more successful solution. Our trained professional staff will work with you to determine the most effective way to help you.
You hold the key to a better life. With the help of Braden Counseling Center, we will unlock all of life’s treasures. For more information, or to get started with depression counseling, call us today.