Depression can have deep roots. Over 17 million adults experienced a depressive episode in 2016, which is more than 7% of the country.
One reason why depression is so commonplace is that it has physical effects on the body. Many people know about how depression impacts the mind and emotions, but the physical symptoms of depression are substantial.
What are they? Where do they come from? Can someone truly take care of everything with counseling for depression?
Let our Dekalb counselors guide you through what physical symptoms manifest from depression.
The Physical Symptoms of Depression
Everyone experiences depression differently. Some people experience no physical symptoms at all, while others experience both physical and emotional effects of depression at once.
Fatigue is one common physical symptom. A person experiences low energy levels, even after waking up or drinking coffee. They may also feel an inability to concentrate because they feel so tired.
Many people experience muscle pains due to depression. The pain can feel like throbbing, tearing, or aching. Some people feel nerve pain or headaches.
Other people experience eye problems. Their vision may be blurry or their ability to perceive colors may decrease.
Potential Causes
Depression and physical symptoms can relate to each other in several ways. A 2019 study concluded that almost all depression patients display some kind of sleep alteration. Insomnia and waking up in the middle of the night can induce fatigue.
The relationship could work the other way. Being constantly tired can be stressful, increasing a person’s risk for depression.
Sleep is an opportunity for the body to repair itself. Lack of sleep can induce muscle pains and eye problems.
Inflammation in the body can disrupt circuits in the brain, which can induce depression.
Depression Counseling in Dekalb
The presence of physical symptoms means that depression counseling has to be thorough. Many psychiatrists have focused on the emotional and mental health of their patients. They now need to include considerations of physical health.
Patients can pursue physical therapy. Stretching can loosen up muscles and prevent aches. Mild exercises like walking can release chemicals in the brain that facilitate pleasurable feelings.
Patients should engage in individual counseling services. They can talk to their therapist about their physical symptoms, then find ways of engaging with them.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy assists individuals in recognizing their negative thought patterns. It can have an application for physical pain.
Therapists can ask their patients to focus on the thoughts that surface when they feel fatigued or achy. They can then work with their patients on developing ways of focusing on other things. By shifting their mind off of their body, the patients may be able to cope with their physical problems.
Get Help for Depression Today at Our Dekalb Location
The physical symptoms of depression can be substantial. Fatigue from depression can make work difficult. A person may experience muscle pain or blurred vision that makes it hard to walk.
Depression may cause these symptoms, but on the other hand, these symptoms can also induce depression. Fatigue and inflammation can also cause someone to feel stressed.
Physical and psychological therapy can accompany each other. Someone with depression can exercise and perform stretches. They can also learn how to cope with fatigue through cognitive-behavioral therapy.
You can deal with your depression. The Braden Counseling Center has several locations, including on in Dekalb, so contact us today for help.