Our team at the Braden Counseling Center specialize in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Our interventions are scientifically based and are proven to result in anxiety relief for our patients.
Anxiety can come in many different forms, including:
- Fear
- Pounding heart
- Feeling on edge
- Racing thoughts
- Worry
- Sleep problems
- Easily fatigued
- Irritability
- Mind going blank
- Difficulty concentrating
If you want to regain control over your body and mind again, our anxiety counseling in DeKalb can help.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – This is a feeling of being unsettled all day every day. When you are worrying without reason, it is a sign of GAD, and it is a common experience. Feeling anxious about navigating through the day or fearing that everything will turn out badly are common. Getting treatment for anxiety and depression can help you recognize your symptoms, and then replace them with positive actions that will put the anxiety to rest.
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – This is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and walks of life. This disorder occurs when you are caught in a cycle of obsessive and compulsive actions. Checking things repeatedly or feeling a strong need to constantly be cleaning or performing actions ritually are symptoms of OCD. Very often, there are intrusive thoughts, images or urges that will trigger intensely distressing feelings. OCD disorder can become so severe it can cause you to not want to leave your home at all.
Panic Disorder – You may be going through your day with no thought of anything in particular, when suddenly you are gripped in a sudden moment of panic that lasts for several minutes. Panic attacks are unpredictable and cause worry as to the next time they will occur. Fortunately, there are treatment options to help you recognize when a panic attack might occur, and help you work through them while remaining calm.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Many people who have served in the military are diagnosed with PTSD, but this disorder can be triggered by any terrifying event. Symptoms include flashbacks, severe anxiety, and nightmares. Our DeKalb, IL anxiety counseling team can help you identify PTSD, or another type of anxiety disorder, and help you to move beyond them.
Agoraphobia – This is an anxiety disorder that develops after one or more panic attacks. Symptoms include fear and avoidance of places or situations that may cause feelings of helplessness, panic, or entrapment. There are specific treatments to help you through agoraphobia.
Separation Anxiety (SAD) – You may think that this type of disorder only occurs in our pets, but separation anxiety is a genuine thing. An individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding separation from home and/or people with whom they have a strong attachment. Parents, caregivers, siblings, or significant others are usually those someone will stress over.
All of these anxiety disorders are very common mental health issues. If you have been suffering with any anxiety disorder, and feel there is something very wrong, it is best to seek out a qualified mental health professional, like those at Braden Counseling Center. We are experienced in techniques that can set you down the path of feeling better.
Where Does My Anxiety Come From?
You may be wondering why you suddenly have anxiety when previously nothing seemed to bother you. You could have new situations in your life, such as a new job, new baby, separation or divorce, moving to a new state, or having to deal with a family illness or death. Anxiety can come out of nowhere or be the result of feeling overwhelmed in some point of your life.
New situations require adjustment, and you may not be handling it as well as you could. Thus, anxiety can arise. When you feel symptoms of anxiety moving to the forefront of your life, your mind is trying to grasp control over a situation, or it might be coping with a painful event. Anxiety can often arise when you are having trouble expressing or managing emotions. Counseling for depression and anxiety at our DeKalb location can introduce you to new ways of adapting your emotions for more positive outcomes.

Our Anxiety Treatments in DeKalb Focus on You
When it comes to anxiety and stress-related disorders, our team has developed strategies based on years of study and treatment, and we have incorporated them into our treatment plans. We have a long history of being on the cutting-edge of new technologies and we have helped thousands of people to regain their abilities.
We focus on:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Exposure and Response Prevention
- Intensive Treatment
When our DeKalb anxiety counseling professionals meet with you, they will determine a treatment plan that will best help your particular situation. Together, you will meet your anxieties head on, and learn how to manage them. There may be extenuating circumstances, such as alcohol or drug abuse, that have to be managed first, and medication could be prescribed as well.
At the Braden Counseling Center, we want you to be a happy, fulfilled person once again. Our team will help you to overcome what is driving your anxiety. Treatment for anxiety and depression will help you make your way through your life once again. Contact us today!
You can also schedule a counseling session with our experienced anxiety counseling team in Sycamore, Elgin, Rochelle, Geneva, and Oregon.