Our C.A.L.M Program
Anger tends to be one of those emotions that doesn’t get a lot of attention, until it’s problematic. Many of us did not learn how to express our emotions when we were children. As a result, anger is often the emotion we express, instead of a variety of emotions that are really at the heart of an issue. There are also many times when we have experiences and are angry as a result. Sometimes we know the situation has led us to harbor anger, and at other times we are not as aware of this. Regardless, this anger impacts our thoughts, decision making, and actions.
Our C.A.L.M. program focuses on resolving the root of the problem. Temporary fixes of counting to ten or walking away are just that, temporary. To change the way you react when angry, it is critical to examine the ways you learned that were ineffective. It’s these ineffective ways that cause you trouble.
The C.A.L.M. program is held in a group format or on an individual basis. The group program consists of eight weekly group sessions that are 2 ½ hours in length. This eight week program is followed by a three month after care program. If the individual session format is chosen, there are 6 one hour weekly sessions followed by the same three month after-care program.
Enrollment in this program is open to anyone who experiences this challenge. Attendance at all eight sessions, as well as the after-care program, is required. The class is held periodically when the minimum number of six participants is reached. Payment is required to register for the program and reserve your seat.
Our program consists of a two hour evaluation/intake session followed by weekly group sessions that are 1 ½ hours in length. The State of Illinois mandates at least 26 weekly groups for completion of the program. There are groups held separately for men and for women, and are also conducted in English and Spanish.
To begin the program, call and schedule an appointment for an evaluation/intake session. This intake session is to determine if you are appropriate for the program and/or if you are in need of other services. The intake fee is $100 and is due at the time of service. Enrollment in this program is open to anyone who experiences this challenge. The fee for each group session is $45.00. There is a sliding scale rate available to those who qualify.
This program is Court Approved and all staff members are required to complete a 40-hour Domestic Violence Training and a 20-hour Partner Abuse Intervention Program Facilitator Training.