A Sycamore, IL Mental Health Counselor Discusses What is Considered Emotional Abuse

A Sycamore, IL Mental Health Counselor Discusses What is Considered Emotional Abuse

Studies have shown that nearly 80% of people have experienced some form of emotional abuse in the United States, including the Sycamore area. The unfortunate part is that many people experience emotional abuse without actually realizing that it is happening at that moment, and not everyone has immediate access to a mental health counselor.

There are many types of domestic violence, and it doesn’t always have to be physical in nature. In many ways, emotional abuse can be just as harmful. Let’s go over the signs of emotional abuse, so you can help yourself or someone you care about in need.

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Different Types of PTSD Explained by Sycamore, IL PTSD Counselors

Different Types of PTSD Explained by Sycamore, IL PTSD Counselors

Did you know that 3.5% of adults in the United States are diagnosed with a type of PTSD every year?

Contrary to popular belief, there are several types of PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder, also commonly referred to as PTSD, can have several different symptoms that present themselves. However, these symptoms are entirely dependent upon the individual suffering from the condition. This is because every person’s response to a traumatic event is unique.

Today, our Sycamore PTSD experts are here to break down the different types of PTSD to help you get a better understanding of what you or a loved one might be dealing with.

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CPTSD vs PTSD: The Differences and Treatment Options in Oregon IL

Around 8 million people have Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a given year.

Mental health awareness has improved significantly over the past few years. Understanding of disorders has grown, such as PTSD, and so has treatment options. With all of this awareness in mind, did you know there is also a similar disorder people can overlook?

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has similarities and differences to PTSD. People can mistake their symptoms for PTSD, but it is essential to get the correct diagnosis to get the best treatment in Oregon, IL.

Here is a guide for all you need to know about PTSD and CPTSD.

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PTSD and covid


COVID-19 has led to an increase in stress, hand sanitizer production, and unfortunately, mental health disorders, specifically PTSD.

Epidemiological studies have seen this pattern before. First comes the physical disease, next comes PTSD. During the Ebola outbreak in Libera, 76% of survivors endured PTSD symptoms three years later.

So, what is PTSD, and how is it affected by COVID-19? Let’s explore.

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A Guide to PTSD in Military Veterans

A Guide to PTSD in Military Veterans

Unfortunately for our brave troops, PTSD in military veterans is a fact of life. An estimated 13.5% of veterans employed in Iraq and Afghanistan go on to develop PTSD, with as many as half a million soldiers suffering PTSD in the US today.

The prevalence of PTSD in military veterans is high, which is why being able to identify and effectively treat it is crucial. If you are a former veteran struggling with what you think is PTSD, or perhaps a loved one of a veteran who you worry is suffering, then it is important to know exactly how to spot it and what you can do.

Here is your guide to approaching and treating PTSD in military veterans.

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Understanding the Difference Between PTSD and CPTSD

As Veteran’s Day quickly approaches, we all take the time to think about the brave men and women that risk their lives for the freedoms that we enjoy on a daily basis. Unfortunately, for many of these brave soldiers, they have experienced extremely traumatic events that can alter the way that they perceive the world. The same can be said for our brave first responders that often have to keep a calm and cool head when faced with hugely traumatic circumstances.

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Suicide Prevention Week Counseling and Treatment Plans

Suicide Prevention Week: Counseling and Treatment Plans

Every year, countless people suffer from mental health disorders that lead them to suicide. However, it is something that we can all help to prevent in the future.

Suicide Prevention Week runs from September 8th-14th.

It is important to remember we should be looking out for others at all times of the year, not just in September. Make sure you can recognize suicidal behavior so you can help that person immediately.

What can you do to help someone who is struggling?

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EMDR and Trauma Informed Therapy

How Can Trauma Informed Therapy Help?

According to studies, more than 18% of adults in the US experience some form of anxiety disorder during their lifetime. These disorders range from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), phobias, to even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Luckily, there are different treatment plans that can help those suffering to overcome some of these conditions. One of these is trauma-informed therapy.

Let’s take a closer look at what trauma-informed therapy is, and also share some key benefits of this type of therapy.

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Using EMDR Therapy for PTSD

June is National PTSD Awareness Month, Know What EMDR Therapy and PTSD Are

It’s a medical term you hear often in the news and media, but you might not understand everything about it, or its therapies.

It’s called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, more commonly known as PTSD. It affects up to 13 million people at a time in the U.S., and it’s estimated that 1 in 13 people will experience it in their lifetime.

Since June is PTSD awareness month, it’s a perfect time to look at this mental health condition and the benefits of EMDR therapy.

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