How a Substance Abuse Evaluation for DUI Works

How a Substance Abuse Evaluation for DUI Works

Have you gotten a DUI recently? Are you worried about one in the future for yourself or a loved one?

It doesn’t hurt to be prepared ahead of time when dealing with such a serious matter.

When you get a DUI you will probably be subjected to a substance abuse evaluation. It might seem like a scary term, but what does it mean? What happens during a DUI substance abuse evaluation anyway?

It’s best to avoid getting a DUI at all, but it’s also good to be prepared and do your research. We’re going to talk you through it so that you can know ahead of time what to expect. Continue reading “How a Substance Abuse Evaluation for DUI Works”

What Will Happen at My DUI Evaluation?

What Will Happen at My DUI Evaluation?

DUI evaluations are given to those that have been arrested for a DUI to find out if they have problems with drugs and alcohol. With the evaluation, a treatment plan can be developed, and a judge can make a reasonable sentence.

Generally, when people are charged with a DUI, their first instinct is to seek legal representation that can help them avoid severe punishment. While this is true, even the best defense attorney would likely recommend you undergo a DUI evaluation. These evaluations are typically done by an agency that the state has certified, but each state has different requirements. However, they’re all done to find out why a person wound up with a DUI, and with the goal of finding a solution. Thus, these evaluations not only help in building your case but also give the state a better idea of how to rehabilitate you instead of just sending you to prison.

So let’s delve deeper into what to expect at a DUI evaluation.

Continue reading “What Will Happen at My DUI Evaluation?”

Driver's License Reinstated in Illinois

Getting Your Driver’s License Reinstated in Illinois

If you need to get your license reinstated, you’re not alone.

Currently, Illinois ranks sixth in the nation for the safest state to drive in. However, many drivers have unfortunately had their licenses revoked from things like reckless driving, being under the influence, or even something not vehicle-related, like failing to pay child support.

Whatever the reason for your license suspension, you have options.

From understanding what happens next, to taking the steps for getting your license back, here’s everything you need to know about suspended license reinstatement.

Continue reading “Getting Your Driver’s License Reinstated in Illinois”