Sycamore, IL Depression Counselors Discuss Why You Should Consider a Depression Screening

Sycamore, IL Depression Counselors Discuss Why You Should Consider a Depression Screening

Part of being human is being vulnerable. Life pre-COVID wasn’t paradise, but many people were coping and getting on with life’s challenges. During the past 18 months though, it’s been a different story for thousands of people throughout the world.

Would you believe in the U.S alone, symptoms of depression have tripled? It seems people at risk the most are those with economic pressures, stress related to work, and struggling relationships. Depression screening is an effective way of identifying if someone is suffering from depression.

In this article, our depression counselors in Sycamore will talk you through some of the basic details of depression screening and how it may help you. Often, people with depression struggle to help themselves, don’t be a victim of yourself, make sure you take action soon.

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The Physical Symptoms of Depression Explained

Dekalb, IL Counseling for Depression: The Physical Symptoms of Depression Explained

Depression can have deep roots. Over 17 million adults experienced a depressive episode in 2016, which is more than 7% of the country.

One reason why depression is so commonplace is that it has physical effects on the body. Many people know about how depression impacts the mind and emotions, but the physical symptoms of depression are substantial.

What are they? Where do they come from? Can someone truly take care of everything with counseling for depression?

Let our Dekalb counselors guide you through what physical symptoms manifest from depression.

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How do Oregon IL Residents Know if They Need Counseling for Depression

How do Oregon IL Residents Know if They Need Counseling for Depression

According to the World Health Organization, depression is a disorder that affects over 264 million people around the world. However, when you’re deep into the struggles associated with depression, it can be hard to see the problem.

If you suspect that you or someone you love might be dealing with depression, we can help. Here, we discuss how to decide if you or someone you love needs to seek depression counseling in Oregon.

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Counteracting feelings of loneliness

Counteracting Feelings of Loneliness

In 2019, 2 in 5 Americans reported feeling lonely or isolated. They also reported that these feelings contributed to poor mental health. These figures only increased in 2020.

If loneliness is weighing on you, you’re not alone. Managing your emotions can make a huge difference when it comes to combating loneliness. If you are starting to feel lonely most of your time, we are here to help.

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How to Handle Cyberbullying: What You Need to Know to Help Your Child

How to Handle Cyberbullying: What You Need to Know to Help Your Child

With bullying running so rampant through schools, many parents don’t think about the threats that are coming in through their child’s phone. 1 in 3 children will experience some form of cyber threat during their life.

Cyberbullying has the potential to be much more harmful than physical bullying because it doesn’t stop. Most children have access to a phone or a computer, so they’re always vulnerable to attack.

It can be hard to know how to handle cyberbullying, because it can follow your child around in their pocket. It can still be done though, as long as you are paying attention.
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How to Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Family

Mental illness and familial dysfunction are common in the United States. The most recent statistics reveal that over 45 million American adults have some form of mental illness, with 11 million of those people suffering severe mental illness. 

Many people grow up in difficult and dysfunctional homes where communication is poor. Family members can be too intrusive, or some family members may be totally absent. In the case of estranged family members, it may be possible to use the Trusted People Tracing Services at Bond Rees or a private investigator similar to them to track down long-lost relatives and re-establish connections, but how do you manage intrusive relatives?

Setting boundaries with family is a key area in learning how to live your best, most authentic life. Boundary setting is a necessary act of self-care that’s also an act of compassion for others within your relationships. 

Did you grow up in a difficult home situation? You may have problems setting boundaries with parents and other family members. This can carry over into all your relationships.  The inability to set boundaries is often intertwined with co-dependency. You deserve healthy relationships, and setting boundaries is key.

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The Link Between Social Isolation and Addiction

Loneliness, social isolation, mental illness, and addiction often go hand-in-hand. Alcoholism is a known risk factor of loneliness. Studies show that social isolation is as unhealthy as smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

The link between social isolation and addiction comes when people substitute chemicals for healthy relationships. It’s one of the reasons addicts need a healthy support system to recover from active addiction. 

Let’s go over some information about the link between social isolation and addiction. 

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Identifying and Leaving a Toxic Relationship

Some relationships break down and end. There are a lot of reasons this can happen.

Couples stop communicating well, or at all. One partner advances personally or professionally, while the other does not. Something causes a breakdown in trust, which undermines everything else.

Many of these relationships might prove salvageable with proper help, but not every relationship is worth saving. Toxic relationships harm one partner almost exclusively. Here are some tips on identifying and leaving a toxic relationship.

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Strategies for Coping with Work Anxiety

Up to 72 percent of employees say that they experience work anxiety. This certainly affects productivity and concentration while in the workplace.

However, what can you possibly do about your anxiety? The stress and depression that are worsened as a result of your anxiety have to be tackled.

If you don’t learn how to deal with anxiety at work, you’ll find that the condition takes a toll on your health over time.

Check out the effective strategies for coping with work anxiety.

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Depression vs Bipolar Disorder: A Guide to the Symptoms & Differences

Did you know 1 in 5 US adults suffer from mental illness in any given year?
The unfortunate reality is, there’s a lot of confusion around mental illness these days.

One area that tends to confuse people are the differences between depression and bipolar disorder.

We’ve broken down the key differences in an easy-to-understand fashion. Let’s learn how these mental disorders differ, so you can be better equipped to help a friend or loved one in the future.

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