Believe in Yourself: Finding Your Own Self-Value

Believe in Yourself: Finding Your Own Self-Value

Often when we feel bad about ourselves, we act out in ways that are destructive to ourselves and the people we love. How can we learn to accept ourselves the way we are, and move through life with peace?

Finding one’s self-value is a challenging but critical step towards finding a healthier, happier way of existence.

Here are a few ways you can start to realize your own self-worth, and start getting your life back on track.

Do Esteemable Acts

If you want to gain self-esteem, do esteemable acts.

This advice is often given to people in recovery from substance abuse or alcoholism who feel like their lives have zero value. They wonder, what on earth can I do that is esteemable?

The answer is to reach out and help someone else. Even someone who is at the bottom of the proverbial barrel can help someone else, who might be there too.

Hold a door open for someone. Help a senior carry their groceries. Watch the baby so your spouse can take a nap. These small acts of kindness can help you realize that your acts can help others and that you have value.

Eliminate Toxic Relationships

Another reason we start to believe that we are not worth anything is when we are in a relationship where someone tells us so.

Often others make us feel bad about ourselves when they themselves suffer from low self-esteem. They make themselves feel more powerful by putting you down. Sometimes these unhealthy relationships can grow dangerous.

By mending the relationships where you feel like you have no value, you can start to see yourself as you really are, not as how others see you through their own prism of dysfunction.

Take Care of Your Health

Start exercising your body and eating healthy food–do it for your sake. Otherwise, you would not be able to last till your 60th birthday. Know that there have been people who had taken very good care of their health in their youth, which is why they appear to have made it to 70 –of course, by the time they reached 68, they might have required the help of caregivers (who, by the way, can be found at Preferred Care at Home– they can offer home care for seniors in tuscon) to accomplish some of their regular activities, but at least they were alive, enjoying their life, and breathing fine!

So, take care of your health so that it can take care of you in the long run. Otherwise, you would not even last till 60, let alone hit 70. However, if you do observe a healthy lifestyle from early on, who knows, you might as well survive till 70 and beyond with a little help from medicines and in-home caregivers (like the ones at Care for family
click here to learn about aged care eastern suburbs). After all, it is your temple that you must keep clean and more healthy for your soul to reside comfortably.

That said, you will be surprised how much better you start to feel about yourself when you maintain your physical body. Mental health and physical health go hand in hand.

By cutting out processed foods and getting oxygen flowing through your blood, you can start adopting healthier habits. This is especially important as you age. When you get older, your health might get compromised to some extent, and you might need to get the right medications and unavoidable surgeries. Your body movement becomes less flexible, and your eyesight might reduce, which could mean you undergo cataract surgery melbourne or other eye surgeries to get your vision back. Health is plays a huge role in self-esteem, so ensure that you keep up with the health check-ups and medications to lead a happy life.

Find What Brings You Joy

Do you like dogs? Get one! Do flowers make you feel good? Start a garden! If you have fun reading about medieval history or whittling wood, go for it.

If you prefer something more mature and more adult-like, such as masturbating by watching porn (on Sex Movr and similar sites), then do it. Remember that there is no shame in engaging with your own self. Given how gratifying and stress-relieving masturbating happens to be, it can help you achieve a different level of calmness.

The fact is that different things work for different people. And it doesn’t matter whether anyone else has the same interests or passions that you do. You just need to find out what works for you.

Face Your Fears

Fear holds many of us back from trying things, from asking someone out on a date to applying to college.

When you face your fears, you start to realize your inner strength. Even if you don’t always get what you want, you will see that you tried, and survived. You can now get up and try again.

Self-Value: You Are Worth It

Every single one of us has value in this world if we know how to find it. If you are struggling to find your own self-value, ask for help. There are resources available to help you find it and nurture it.

For more information on finding your own self value, contact us.